论文题目 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
Bio-Electron-Fenton (BEF) process driven by microbial fuel cells fortriphenyltin chloride (TPTC) degradation 2017 Journal of Hazardous Materials
An integrated aerobic-anaerobic strategy for performance enhancement 2017 Bioresource Technology
黄酮醇类化合物的合成与抗菌活性 2017 应用与环境生物学报
Gut region influences the diversity and interactions ofbacterial communities in pikas (Ochotona curzoniaeand Ochotona daurica) 2017 FEMS Microbiology Ecology.
Ecological Succession Pattern of Fungal Community in Soil along a Retreating Glacier 2017 Frontiers in Microbiology
The linkage between vegetation and soil nutrients and their variation under different grazing intensities in an alpine meadow on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 2017 Ecological Engineering
Effect of watershed urbanization on N2O emissions from the Chongqing metropolitan river network, China 2017 Atmospheric Environment
Effects of canopy gaps on N2O fluxes in a tropical montane rainforest in Hainan of China 2017 Ecological Engineering
Greenhouse gas emissions from different land-use areas in the LittoralZone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China 2017 Ecological Engineering
Greenhouse gases concentrations and fluxes from subtropical small reservoirs in relation with watershed urbanization 2017 Atmospheric Environment
Interannual variation in methane emissions from tropical wetlands triggered by repeated El Ni~no Southern Oscillation 2017 Global Change Biology
Patterns and drivers of fungal diversity along an altitudinal gradient on Mount Gongga, China 2017 journal of soils and sediments
pCO2 and CO2 fluxes of the metropolitan river network in relation to the urbanization of Chongqing, China 2017 Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
Water table drawdown shapes the depth-dependent variations in prokaryotic diversity and structure in Zoige peatlands 2017 FEMS Microbiology Ecology
Quantification of methane emissions from municipal solid waste landfills in China during the past decade 2017 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Rumen prokaryotic communities of ruminants under different feeding paradigms on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 2017 Systematic and Applied Microbiology
Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau peatland sustainable utilization under anthropogenic disturbances and climate change 2017 Ecosystem Health and Sustainability
Responses of CO2 emission and pore water DOC concentration to soil warming and water table drawdown in Zoige Peatlands 2017 Atmospheric Environment
青藏高原东缘高寒草甸生长季自然放牧母牦牛CO2和CH4呼吸排放通量特征 2017 中国科学院大学学报
若尔盖高原花湖泥炭沉积及其对气候变化的响应 2017 中国科学院大学学报