论文题目 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
Sometimes noise is beneficial: stream noise informs vocal communication in the little torrent frog 2017 Journal of Ethology
Effect of the level of anesthesia on the auditory brainstem response in the Emei music frog (Babina daunchina) 2017 PLoS ONE
Genetic Bottlenecks of the Wild Chinese Giant Salamander in Karst Caves 2017 Asian Herpetological Research
Quantification of mycotoxins in vegetable oil by UPLC-MS/MS after magnetic solid-phase extraction 2017 food additives and contaminants
Rapid determination of gizzerosine in fish meals using microchip capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection 2017 Food Additives and Contaminants
Functionalized carbon quantum dots with dopamine for tyrosinase activity analysis 2017 Analytica Chimica Acta
Extraction of ochratoxin A in red wine with dopamine-coated magnetic multi-walled carbon nanotubes 2017 Journal of Separation Science
Characterization of major metabolites of polymethoxylated flavonoids in Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae using liver microsomes immobilized on magnetic nanoparticles coupled with UPLC/MS–MS 2017 Chemistry Central Journal
PEGylation of magnetic multi-walled carbon nanotubes for enhanced selectivity of dispersive solid phase extraction 2017 Materials Science and Engineering C
Heat stress alters genome-wide profiles of circular RNAs in Arabidopsis 2017 Plant Molecular Biology
基于气象决策的四川两系杂交稻制种技术研究—以 Y58S/F1599 仁寿制种为例 2017 杂交水稻
Ethnopharmacology and toxicology of Pakistani medicinal plants used to treat gynecological complaints and sexually transmitted infections 2017 South African Journal of Botany
Physiological response of the three most cultivated pepper species (Capsicum app.) in Africa to drought stress imposed at three stages of growth and development 2017 Scientia Horticulturae
Species diversity, vegetation pattern and conservation of Gentiana macrophylla Pall. Communities in Dongling Mountain Meadow, Beijing, China 2017 Pakistan Journal of Botany
Long-term cultivation of Bt rice expressing the Cry1Ab/1Ac gene reduced phytoparasitic nematode abundance but did not affect other nematode parameters in paddy fields 2017 Science of The Total Environment
Does thinning- induced gap size result in altered soil microbial community in pine plantation in eastern Tibetan Plateau 2017 Ecology and Evolution
The thermal background determines how the infrared and visual systems interact in pit vipers 2017 Journal of Experimental Biology
Xylastriasan A, a new cytochalasan from the fungus Xylaria striata 2017 Natural Product Research
Copper-catalyzed direct hydroxyphosphorylation of electron-deficient alkenes with H-phosphine oxides and dioxygen 2017 Tetrahedron Letters
TWO NEW POLYKETIDE METABOLITES ISOLATED FROM Paraconiothyrium brasiliense 2017 Chemistry of Natural Compounds