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Genetic Diversity of Hippophae rhamnoides Populations at Varying Altitudes in the Wolong Natural Reserve of China as Revealed by ISSR Markers G. CHEN,Y. WANG,C. ZHAO,H. KORPELAINEN,C. LI 李春阳 2008  Silvae Genetica
同源四倍体水稻籼型突变体Wx基因序列分析及特异识别分子标记的建立 栾丽,陈英,王兴,龙文波,刘玉花,涂升斌,孔繁伦,李万明,肖小余 涂升斌 2008  遗传
Microsatellite Analysis of Genetic Variation and Population Genetic Differentiation in Autotetraploid and Diploid Rice Li Luan,Xing Wang,Wen-Bo Long,Yu-Hua Liu,Sheng-Bin Tu,Zhan-Peng Zhao,Fan-Lun Kong,Mao-Qun Yu 涂升斌 2008  Biochemical Genetics
一种两栖动物年龄鉴定方法 陈贵英,李维,刘炯宇,郑中华,谢锋 谢锋 2008  四川动物
Chemical constituents of Nouelia insignis Franch X.-Y. HU,Y.-GANG LUO,XIAO-ZHEN CHEN,LE ZHOU,GUO-LIN ZHANG 张国林 2008  Journal of Asian Natural Products Research
Starch granule protein ( SGP ) polymorphism in cultivated naked barley from Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China and relationship between SGPs and starch/amylose content Zhifen PAN,Yixing ZOU,Tao ZHAO,Guangbing DENG,Xuguang ZHAI,Fang WU,Maoqun YU 余懋群 2008  Frontiers of Agriculture in China
黑曲霉固体培养在滇橄榄果渣中生产水解酶及其应用 杨顺楷,杨亚力,叶洪敏,易炳君 杨顺楷 2008  攀枝花科技与信息
Nitrification and denitrification in an alpine meadow soil of the eastern Tibetan Plateau Y. GAO,P. LUO,N. WU,H. CHEN 吴宁 2008  Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B - Soil and Plant Science
ESI-MS/MS法对银莲花素A质谱裂解方式的研究 李甫,丁立生,王明奎 王明奎 2008  质谱学报
Novel preparation protocol for the expression and purification of recombinant staphylokinase Dongsheng Ren,Dehua Li,Weihua Yang,Yun Li,Xinghua Gou,Bo Liang,Bogang Li,Qiaqing Wu* 吴洽庆 2008  Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry
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