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废水处理功能菌株FA-2的实时荧光定量PCR检测 马欣荣,牟丽娉,夏庆杰,黄钧 黄钧 2008  四川大学学报(自然科学版)
高海拔幼林地表苔藓组成与结构——皆伐与造林实践的影响评估 闫晓丽,包维楷 包维楷 2008  植物生态学报
岷江干旱河谷黄蔷薇( Rosa hugonis)生长与繁殖特征及其空间差异 周志琼,包维楷,吴福忠,何晓,吴宁 包维楷 2008  生态学报
Allelopathic effect of ginger on seed germination and seedling growth of soybean and chive Chun-Mei Han,Kai-Wen Pan,Ning Wu,Jin-Chuang Wang,Wei Li 潘开文 2008  Scientia Horticulturae
Montmorillonite K-10: An efficient and reusable catalyst for the synthesis of quinoxaline derivatives in water Tai-kun Huang,Rui Wang,Lin Shi,Xiao-xia Lu 卢晓霞 2008  Catalysis Communications
Sex-specific responses of Populus cathayana to drought and elevated temperatures XIAO XU,FAN YANG,XIANGWEN XIAO,SHENG ZHANG,HELENA KORPELAINEN,CHUNYANG LI 李春阳 2008  Plant, Cell and Environment
Regiospecific O-Methylation of Naphthoic Acids Catalyzed by NcsB1, an O-Methyltransferase Involved in the Biosynthesis of the Enediyne Antitumor Antibiotic Neocarzinostatin Yinggang Luo,Shuangjun Lin,Jian Zhang,Heather A. Cooke,Steven D. Bruner,Ben Shen Ben Shen 2008  THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY
Growth and Wood/Bark Properties of Abies faxoniana Seedlings as Affected by Elevated CO2 Yun-Zhou Qiao,Yuan-Bin Zhang,Kai-Yun Wang,Qian Wang,Qi-Zhuo Tian 王开运 2008  Journal of Integrative Plant Biology
小鲵属Hynobius系统学研究回顾 陈勤,卿立燕,曾晓茂 曾晓茂 2008  四川动物
Growth rate of mosses and their environmental determinants in subalpine coniferous forests and clear-cuts at the eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau,China Qian WANG,Ning WU,Peng LUO,Shaoliang YI,Weikai BAO,Fusun SHI 吴宁 2008  Frontiers of forestry in china
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