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九顶山西坡汶川段维管植物区系研究 涂卫国,高信芬,刘士华,吴宁 高信芬 2008  应用与环境生物学报
Electrospray Mass Spectrometry and Tandem Mass Spectrometry of Bimetallic Oxovanadium Complexes Zhi-Jun Wu,Xiao-Ying Xu, Shi-Wei Luo, Dong-Mei Fang,Guo-Lin Zhang 吴志军 2008  Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry
产氢菌的复合诱变选育及突变株HCM-23的产氢特性 宋丽,刘培旺,袁月祥,闫志英,刘晓风,贺蓉娜,廖银章 廖银章 2008  微生物学通报
A convenient and economic method for the synthesis of mono-2-tosyl-β-cyclodextrin Zhi-Zhong Wang,Guang-Yun He,Run-Hua Lu 鲁润华 2008  Monatshefte fǔr Chemie
Minor Iridoids from the Roots of Valeriana wallichii Rui Wang,Dan Xiao,Yan-Hong Bian,Xiao-Yue Zhang,Bang-Jing Li,Li-Sheng Ding,Shu-Lin Peng 李帮经,彭树林 2008  Journal of Natural Products
Molecular phylogeny of Rhacophoridae (Anura): A framework of taxonomic reassignment of species within the genera Aquixalus, Chiromantis,Rhacophorus, and Philautus Jia-tang Li,Jing Che,RaoulH. Bain,Er-mi Zhao,Ya-ping Zhang 赵尔宓 2008  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
Iridoids from Viburnum cylindricum Xiao-Zhen Chen,Hua-Fang Wu,Guo-You Li,Sheng-Ming Lu,Bo-Gang Li,Dong-Mei Fang,Guo-Lin Zhang 张国林 2008  Helvetica Chimica Acta
DNA条形码识别V. 有害生物鉴定的利器 赵明,谭玲,莫帮辉,卿立燕,曾晓茂 曾晓茂 2008  中国卫生检验杂志
Molecular analysis of cultivated naked barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)from Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in china using SSR markers Zhifen PAN,Guangbing DENG,Xuguang ZHAI,Hai LONG,Yawei TANG,Xiaolin QIANG,Maoqun YU 余懋群 2008  Frontiers of Agriculture in China
Characterization and Expression Profiling of a Novel Cereal Cyst Nematode Resistance Gene Analog in Wheat X. G. Zhai,T. Zhao,Y.H. Liu,H. Long,G.B. Deng,Z.F. Pan,M.Q. Yu 余懋群 2008  Molecular Biology
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