来源:《自然-通讯》 作者:夏川等 时间:2017-07-04







作科所研究员贾继增、孔秀英研究团队对该基因的克隆工作已开展了近20年,近期在克隆与解析小麦太谷核不育基因Ms2方面获得突破性进展。今年424日,孔秀英在第13届国际小麦遗传大会上应邀作了大会报告,首次公开报道了该基因。相关研究论文已于512日在《Nature Communications》杂志发表。文章以作科所为第一完成单位,作科所夏川、张立超、邹枨为共同第一作者,孔秀英和贾继增为共同通讯作者。山东农业大学付道林课题组也克隆了该基因并在同一杂志发表。


进一步研究才发现,这是由于矮秆基因所在基因组片段是一个1Mb 以上的串联重复,导致该区段的重组被严重抑制。为了增加4DS染色体的多态性及提高太谷不育基因区段的重组率,研究人员又用正常株高的太谷核不育材料与多样性高的人工合成小麦Am3杂交,重新配制分离群体,解决了重组问题与多样性低的问题。为了解决参照基因组的问题,他们绘制了小麦D基因组的框架图,使得小麦太谷核不育基因克隆的速度得以大幅度提升,最终成功地克隆了Ms2基因。




A TRIM insertion in the promoter of Ms2 causes male sterility in wheat


Abstract  The male-sterile ms2 mutant has been known for 40 years and has become extremely important in the commercial production of wheat. However, the gene responsible for this phenotype has remained unknown. Here we report the map-based cloning of the Ms2 gene. The Ms2 locus is remarkable in several ways that have implications in basic biology. Beyond having no functional annotation, barely detectable transcription in fertile wild-type wheat plants, and accumulated destructive mutations in Ms2 orthologs, the Ms2 allele in the ms2 mutant has acquired a terminal-repeat retrotransposon in miniature (TRIM) element in its promoter. This TRIM element is responsible for the anther-specific Ms2 activation that confers male sterility. The identification of Ms2 not only unravels the genetic basis of a historically important breeding trait, but also shows an example of how a TRIM element insertion near a gene can contribute to genetic novelty and phenotypic plasticity.





Wheat Ms2 encodes for an orphan protein that confers male sterility in grass species


Abstract  Male sterility is a valuable trait for plant breeding and hybrid seed production. The dominant male-sterile gene Ms2 in common wheat has facilitated the release of hundreds of breeding lines and cultivars in China. Here, we describe the map-based cloning of the Ms2 gene and show that Ms2 confers male sterility in wheat, barley and Brachypodium. MS2 appears as an orphan gene within the Triticinae and expression of Ms2 in anthers is associated with insertion of a retroelement into the promoter. The cloning of Ms2 has substantial potential to assemble practical pipelines for recurrent selection and hybrid seed production in wheat.




