近日,中国农业科学院作物科学研究所张卫建研究员领衔的作物耕作与生态创新团队,在水稻植株对稻田温室气体排放的调控效应及机制研究中取得重要进展,阐明了水稻新品种在典型稻田的甲烷(CH4)减排效应,揭示了水稻植株与稻田甲烷排放的地上地下互作机制。此研究说明我国现代水稻育种是一个既增产又减排的历程,对应对气候变化的作物品种改良和稻作技术创新具有重要意义。相关论文于2017年5月2日在线发表在Global Change Biology上。
该研究得到了“十三五”国家重点研发计划、中国农科院科技创新工程和“国家留学基金”等项目资助。作科所与南京农业大学联合培养的博士研究生江瑜为文章第一作者,张卫建研究员为通讯作者。(来源:中国科学报 张晴丹)
Higher yields and lower methane emissions with new rice cultivars
Abstract Breeding high-yielding rice cultivars through increasing biomass is a key strategy to meet rising global food demands. Yet, increasing rice growth can stimulate methane (CH4) emissions, exacerbating global climate change, as rice cultivation is a major source of this powerful greenhouse gas. Here, we show in a series of experiments that high-yielding rice cultivars actually reduce CH4 emissions from typical paddy soils. Averaged across 33 rice cultivars, a biomass increase of 10% resulted in a 10.3% decrease in CH4 emissions in a soil with a high carbon (C) content. Compared to a low-yielding cultivar, a high-yielding cultivar significantly increased root porosity and the abundance of methane-consuming microorganisms, suggesting that the larger and more porous root systems of high-yielding cultivars facilitated CH4 oxidation by promoting O2 transport to soils. Our results were further supported by a meta-analysis, showing that high-yielding rice cultivars strongly decrease CH4 emissions from paddy soils with high organic C contents. Based on our results, increasing rice biomass by 10% could reduce annual CH4 emissions from Chinese rice agriculture by 7.1%. Our findings suggest that modern rice breeding strategies for high-yielding cultivars can substantially mitigate paddy CH4 emission in China and other rice growing regions.