来源:《Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews》
作者:Andrew Flower等
英国中草药注册局主席艾玛·费伦特表示,细菌抗药性问题越来越严重,而中草药在替代抗生素治疗某些疾病,如复发性尿路感染、急性咳嗽、喉咙肿痛等方面可能会扮演重要角色。费伦特认为,对中草药进行更严格临床试验十分关键,它有助于将中草药推广到初级保健“前线”,减少英国人对抗生素的依赖,并防止更广泛的抗生素抗药性出现。(来源:科技日报 记者 刘园园)
Chinese herbal medicine for treating recurrent urinary tract infections in women
Abstract Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common problem that can have a serious negative impact on well-being and healthcare costs. Although preventative antibiotics can help reduce numbers of recurrent infections, there are growing concerns about antibiotic resistance, side effects and the lack of long-term benefits from treatment. Consequently, alternative treatments such as Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) are being considered. We evaluated the evidence for the effectiveness and safety of CHM for treating recurrent UTIs in women. Our searches to May 2015 for Western and July 2014 for Chinese literature led to the inclusion of seven studies that met our selection criteria for this review. These involved a total of 542 women. The studies suggested that CHM used either on its own or with antibiotic treatment may be more effective than antibiotics alone for relieving acute UTIs and preventing recurrent episodes. There were only two studies that explicitly stated that adverse events were to be reported; neither reported any adverse events. However, studies were small and assessed as having poor methodological quality; and most study participants were post-menopausal. Therefore, results should be interpreted cautiously and can only be considered as preliminary findings that may not be relevant to pre-menopausal women. Further research is required to provide more rigorous evidence before CHM can be routinely recommended as a treatment option for recurrent UTIs.