来源:《自然》 作者:Andrew G. Myers 时间:2016-05-31





美国哈佛大学Andrew Myers团队描述了一种全新的全合成方法,能够制造一系列天然和人工大环内酯抗生素(此类抗生素中包括例如红霉素在内的很多抗生素)。该研究小组使用这种方法,合成了超过300种不同的大环内酯,当中包括一种临床上使用的抗生素和另一种仍处于开发阶段的抗生素。


2000年至2010年间,全球抗生素消费量增长了30%。全球牲畜中抗生素使用量也在攀升。细菌耐药性是当前全球亟待解决的一大难题。除了倡导医生在临床中正确使用抗生素,解决细菌耐药性问题还需要研发新药物。如今普遍应用的抗菌药物,多是通过抑制细菌的细胞壁合成、蛋白质合成、DNA转录等方式杀死细菌。在寻找下一代抗生素的同时,科学家更希望找到新的抗菌机理(来源:中国科学报 唐凤)


A platform for the discovery of new macrolide antibiotics


Abstract  The chemical modification of structurally complex fermentation products, a process known as semisynthesis, has been an important tool in the discovery and manufacture of antibiotics for the treatment of various infectious diseases. However, many of the therapeutics obtained in this way are no longer effective, because bacterial resistance to these compounds has developed. Here we present a practical, fully synthetic route to macrolide antibiotics by the convergent assembly of simple chemical building blocks, enabling the synthesis of diverse structures not accessible by traditional semisynthetic approaches. More than 300 new macrolide antibiotic candidates, as well as the clinical candidate solithromycin, have been synthesized using our convergent approach. Evaluation of these compounds against a panel of pathogenic bacteria revealed that the majority of these structures had antibiotic activity, some efficacious against strains resistant to macrolides in current use. The chemistry we describe here provides a platform for the discovery of new macrolide antibiotics and may also serve as the basis for their manufacture.




