中科院深圳先进技术研究院医药所基因与细胞工程研究室陈志英团队,成功利用微环DNA技术生产出乙肝病毒共价闭合环状DNA。这一技术为开发根治慢性乙肝病毒感染的治疗药物提供了重要条件。相关成果日前发表于《Scientific Reports》杂志。
在最新研究中,陈志英团队利用微环DNA技术,在常规实验室环境中生产出毫克级别的重组共价闭合环状DNA。其无论在结构还是功能上均跟野生型非常接近:重组共价闭合环状DNA能介导病毒基因组复制、病毒基因表达,并能产生完整的感染性病毒颗粒。该技术有望助力乙肝病毒共价闭合环状DNA的生物学研究及抗共价闭合环状DNA药物的研发。(来源:中国科学报 丁宁宁 谌平 冯春)
The recombined cccDNA produced using minicircle technology mimicked HBV genome in structure and function closely
Abstract HBV covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) is drug-resistant and responsible for viral persistence. To facilitate the development of anti-cccDNA drugs, we developed a minicircle DNA vector (MC)-based technology to produce large quantity of recombined cccDNA (rcccDNA) resembling closely to its wild-type counterpart both in structure and function. The rcccDNA differed to the wild-type cccDNA (wtcccDNA) only in that it carried an extra 36-bp DNA recombinant product attR upstream of the preC/C gene. Using a procedure similar to standard plasmid production, milligrams of rcccDNA can be generated in common laboratories conveniently. The rcccDNA demonstrated many essential biological features of wtcccDNA, including: (1) undergoing nucleation upon nucleus entry; (2) serving as template for production of all HBV RNAs and proteins; (3) deriving virions capable of infecting tree shrew, and subsequently producing viral mRNAs, proteins, rcccDNA and infectious virions. As an example to develop anti-cccDNA drugs, we used the Crispr/Cas9 system to provide clear-cut evidence that rcccDNA was cleaved by this DNA editing tool in vitro. In summary, we have developed a convenient technology to produce large quantity of rcccDNA as a surrogate of wtcccDNA for investigating HBV biology and developing treatment to eradicate this most wide-spreading virus.