论文题目 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
Impacts of earthworms and their excreta on peat soil properties and bacterial community 陈槐 2023 Global Ecology and Conservation
Changes in diversity and functional groups of soil mite communities are associated with properties of food resources along a subalpine secondary succession 庞学勇 2023 Geoderma
Linking fungal community structure with soil nitrogen dynamics following forest conversion in a subalpine forest in China 熊勤犁 2023 Geoderma
Rock fragment content alters spatiotemporal patterns of soil water content and temperature: Evidence from a field experiment 李芳兰 2023 Geoderma
Phylogeny of the Diploid Species of Rubus (Rosaceae). 高信芬 2023 Genes
Temperature drives the coordination between aboveground nutrient conservation and belowground nutrient acquisition in alpine coniferous forests 孔德良,尹华军 2023 Functional Ecology
Divergent responses of plant functional traits and biomass allocation to slope aspects in four perennial herbs of the alpine meadow ecosystem 王金牛 2023 FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE
Editorial: Genetic improvement of Triticeae crops based on high-throughput phenotyping: Molecular design for yield, resistance and tolerance 2023 Frontiers in Plant Science
Phylogenomics and plastome evolution of Indigofera (Fabaceae) 高信芬,赵雪莉 2023 Frontiers in Plant Science
The contrasting responses of abundant and rare microbial community structures and co-occurrence networks to secondary forest succession in the subalpine region 寇涌苹,刘庆 2023 Frontiers in microbiology
Combined transcriptome and proteome analysis of Bcfrp1 involved in regulating the biosynthesis of abscisic acid and growth in Botrytis cinerea TB-31 谭红 2023 Frontiers in Microbiology
Identification of thyroid hormone response genes in the remodeling of dorsal muscle during Microhyla fissipes metamorphosis 江建平 2023 Frontiers in Endocrinology
Ecosystem service assessment under ecological restoration programs: A systematic review of studies from China 吴彦 2023 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Interspecific plant-plant interactions increase the soil microbial network stability, shift keystone microbial taxa, and enhance their functions in mixed stands 尹春英 2023 Forest Ecology and Management
Determination of 63 mycotoxins in grain products by ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometry 周燕 2023 Food Control
A revision of the genus Malus Mill. (Rosaceae) 高信芬 2023 European Journal of Taxonomy
Advances in research on potential inhibitors of multiple myeloma 钟凌 2023 European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Design, synthesis, and anti-inflammatory activity characterization of novel brain-permeable HDAC6 inhibitors 卢晓霞 2023 European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
High starch duckweed biomass production and its highly-efficient conversion to bioethanol. 赵海 2023 Environmental Technology & Innovation
Regional distribution and migration potential of antibiotic resistance genes in croplands of Qinghai Tibet Plateau 潘开文,李东 2023 ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH