Microdroplet accelerated reaction for high-efficiency carbon disulfide conversion |
夏兵 |
2023 |
Chemical Communications |
Soil depths and developmental stages of biological soil crusts are more important than shrub cover in structuring prokaryotic communities |
XiangzhenLi |
2023 |
Catena |
Linking soil phosphorus fractions to abiotic factors and the microbial community during subalpine secondary succession: Implications for soil phosphorus availability |
庞学勇 |
2023 |
Catena |
Influences of rock fragment content and vegetation on soil microbial communities |
李芳兰 |
2023 |
Catena |
An Environmentally Benign Protocol for the Synthesis of Sugar 1,2-Orthoesters in Poly(ethylene glycol) Dimethyl Ether (DMPE) |
马小锋 |
2023 |
Carbohydrate Research |
Chaetonigrisins A–L, a group of 3-Indole-1,2-Propanediol derived alkaloids from Chaetomium nigricolor YT-2 |
张国林,李国友 |
2023 |
Bioorganic Chemistry |
Detoxifcation with resin promotes the shift from acidogenesis to solventogenesis and prevents acid crash during butanol fermentation from wheat straw. |
赵海,靳艳玲 |
2023 |
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery |
Keep numbers in view: red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) learn to discriminate relative quantities |
崔建国 |
2023 |
Biology Letters |
Simultaneous optimal prediction of various influent indexes based on a model fusion algorithm in wastewater treatment plant |
陈杨武 |
2023 |
Biochemical Engineering Journal |
Construction and application of effluent quality prediction model with insufficient data based on transfer learning algorithm in wastewater treatment plants |
陈杨武 |
2023 |
Biochemical Engineering Journal |
Testing the factors on the evolution of movement?based visual signal complexity in an Asian agamid lizard |
Richard Peters,齐银 |
2023 |
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology |
A New Species of the Genus Hebius Thompson, 1913 (Serpentes: Natricidae) from Yunnan, China |
江建平 |
2023 |
Asian Herpetological Research |
On the validity of the genetic nomen Liuixalus Li, Che, Bain, Zhao, and Zhang, 2008 (Anura: Rhacophoridae) |
蒋珂,李家堂 |
2023 |
Asian Herpetological Research |
A new species of the genus Scincella Mittleman, 1950 (Squamata: Scincidae) from Sichuan Province, Southwest China, with a diagnostic key of Scincella species in China |
李家堂 |
2023 |
Asian Herpetological Research |
Revealing the Circadian Rhythm of Taliang Crocodile Newt (Liangshantriton taliangensis) During Breeding Migration Using a Novel Monitoring Technique |
谢锋 |
2023 |
Asian Herpetological Research |
Response of Distribution Range Against Climate Change and Habitat Preference of Four National Protected Diploderma Species in Tibetan Plateau |
齐银 |
2023 |
Asian Herpetological Research |
Do Larger and Older Individuals Occupy Better Areas in the Colony of Qinghai Toad-headed Agamas? |
齐银 |
2023 |
Asian Herpetological Research |
Stand age alters fungal community composition and functional guilds in subalpine Picea asperata plantations |
寇涌苹,刘庆 |
2023 |
Applied Soil Ecology |
Phosphorus addition increases the total abundance and favors microbivorous Collembola in subalpine plantation forest |
庞学勇 |
2023 |
Applied Soil Ecology |
Response of decomposition dynamics of ectomycorrhizal fungal fruit bodies to N addition depends on decomposition stage in a coniferous forest |
汪其同,张新军 |
2023 |
Applied Soil Ecology |