论文题目 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
Microdroplet accelerated reaction for high-efficiency carbon disulfide conversion 夏兵 2023 Chemical Communications
Soil depths and developmental stages of biological soil crusts are more important than shrub cover in structuring prokaryotic communities XiangzhenLi 2023 Catena
Linking soil phosphorus fractions to abiotic factors and the microbial community during subalpine secondary succession: Implications for soil phosphorus availability 庞学勇 2023 Catena
Influences of rock fragment content and vegetation on soil microbial communities 李芳兰 2023 Catena
An Environmentally Benign Protocol for the Synthesis of Sugar 1,2-Orthoesters in Poly(ethylene glycol) Dimethyl Ether (DMPE) 马小锋 2023 Carbohydrate Research
Chaetonigrisins A–L, a group of 3-Indole-1,2-Propanediol derived alkaloids from Chaetomium nigricolor YT-2 张国林,李国友 2023 Bioorganic Chemistry
Detoxifcation with resin promotes the shift from acidogenesis to solventogenesis and prevents acid crash during butanol fermentation from wheat straw. 赵海,靳艳玲 2023 Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Keep numbers in view: red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) learn to discriminate relative quantities 崔建国 2023 Biology Letters
Simultaneous optimal prediction of various influent indexes based on a model fusion algorithm in wastewater treatment plant 陈杨武 2023 Biochemical Engineering Journal
Construction and application of effluent quality prediction model with insufficient data based on transfer learning algorithm in wastewater treatment plants 陈杨武 2023 Biochemical Engineering Journal
Testing the factors on the evolution of movement?based visual signal complexity in an Asian agamid lizard Richard Peters,齐银 2023 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
A New Species of the Genus Hebius Thompson, 1913 (Serpentes: Natricidae) from Yunnan, China 江建平 2023 Asian Herpetological Research
On the validity of the genetic nomen Liuixalus Li, Che, Bain, Zhao, and Zhang, 2008 (Anura: Rhacophoridae) 蒋珂,李家堂 2023 Asian Herpetological Research
A new species of the genus Scincella Mittleman, 1950 (Squamata: Scincidae) from Sichuan Province, Southwest China, with a diagnostic key of Scincella species in China 李家堂 2023 Asian Herpetological Research
Revealing the Circadian Rhythm of Taliang Crocodile Newt (Liangshantriton taliangensis) During Breeding Migration Using a Novel Monitoring Technique 谢锋 2023 Asian Herpetological Research
Response of Distribution Range Against Climate Change and Habitat Preference of Four National Protected Diploderma Species in Tibetan Plateau 齐银 2023 Asian Herpetological Research
Do Larger and Older Individuals Occupy Better Areas in the Colony of Qinghai Toad-headed Agamas? 齐银 2023 Asian Herpetological Research
Stand age alters fungal community composition and functional guilds in subalpine Picea asperata plantations 寇涌苹,刘庆 2023 Applied Soil Ecology
Phosphorus addition increases the total abundance and favors microbivorous Collembola in subalpine plantation forest 庞学勇 2023 Applied Soil Ecology
Response of decomposition dynamics of ectomycorrhizal fungal fruit bodies to N addition depends on decomposition stage in a coniferous forest 汪其同,张新军 2023 Applied Soil Ecology