论文题目 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
Nitrous oxide emission from infralittoral zone and pelagic zone in a shallow lake: Implications for whole lake restoration 2015 Ecological Engineering
Diarylheptanoids of Curcuma comosa with Inhibitory Effects on Nitric Oxide Production in Macrophage RAW 264.7 Cells 2015 Natural Product Communications
A comparative study of daytime-based methane emission from two wetlands of Nepal Himalaya 2015 Atmospheric Environment
Substrate stiffness regulates B-cell activation, proliferation, class switch, and T-cell-independent antibody responses in vivo 2015 European Journal of Immunology
A negative-feedback function of PKC in the formation and accumulation of signaling-active B cell receptor microclusters within B cell immunological synapse 2015 Journal of Leukocyte Biology
The activation of IgM- or isotype-switched IgG- and IgE-BCR exhibits distinct mechanical force sensitivity and threshold 2015 eLife
Response of nitrogen use efficiency and soil nitrate dynamics to soil mulching in dryland maize (Zea mays L.) fields 2015 Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶SHP2抑制剂体外筛选模型的建立及应用 2015 应用与环境生物学报
New cycloartane triterpenes from the aerial parts of Cimicifuga heracleifolia 2015 Tetrahedron
Grain-specific reduction in lipoxygenase activity improves flour color quality and seed longevity in common wheat 2015 Mol Breeding
Soil mulching can mitigate soil water deficiency impacts on rainfed maize production in semiarid environments 2015 Journal of Integrative Agriculture
A novel pathway of direct methane production and emission by eukaryotes including plants, animals and fungi: An overview 2015 Atmospheric Environment
From plant functional types to plant functional traits: A new paradigm in modelling global vegetation dynamics 2015 Progress in Physical Geography
Estimating global natural wetland methane emissions using process modelling: spatio-temporal patterns and contributions to atmospheric methane fluctuations 2015 Global Ecology and Biogeography
Monitoring theimpactofaerosolcontaminationonthe drought-induced declineofgrossprimaryproductivity 2015 InternationalJournalofAppliedEarthObservationand Geoinformation
西藏地方小麦曲白春的抗条锈性遗传分析 2015 麦类作物学报
中科麦138 及其姊妹系和亲本的光合特性研究 2015 麦类作物学报
Untargeted analysis of sesquiterpene pyridine alkaloids from the 2015 Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom
Dummy molecularly imprinted mesoporous silicates for selective adsorption of 2-naphthol 2015 Open Chemistry
The Chinese bread wheat cultivar Xiaoyanmai 7 harbours genes encoding a pair of novel high molecular weight glutenin subunits inherited from cereal rye 2015 Crop and Pasture Science