论文题目 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
Male Music Frogs Compete Vocally on the Basis of Temporal Sequence Rather Than Spatial Cues of Rival Calls 2015 Asian Herpetological Research
不同光环境下刈割对黑麦草补偿性生长及叶片氮含量的影响 2015 应用与环境生物学报
Sound Classification and Call Discrimination Are Decoded in Order as Revealed by Event-Related Potential Components in Frogs 2015 Brain Behavior and Evolution
Leaf Functional Traits of Plants of Alpine Pastures at the Eastern Qinghai_Tibetan Plateau 2015 Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin
Alpine plant communities of Tibet and Caucasus: in quest of functional convergence 2015 Botanica Pacifica
草原黑蘑(Agaricus arvensis)的GC-MS成分研究 2015 第二届全国质谱分析学术报告会会议论文
针尖电喷雾质谱方法用于软膏剂药物的直接分析 2015 第二届全国质谱分析学术报告会会议论文
质谱-多级质谱联用技术(MS-MSn)用于茶叶中初级代谢产物的快速鉴定 2015 第二届全国质谱分析学术报告会会议论文
油菜素内酯生物合成和代谢研究进展 2015 植物生理学报
Total synthesis of Sparstolonin B, a potent anti-inflammatory agent. 2015 RSC Advances
Isolation and characterization of cDNAs and genomic DNAs encoding ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase large and small subunits from sweet potato 2015 Molecular Genetics and Genomics
De novo transcriptome assembly of Ipomoea nil using Illumina sequencing for gene discovery and SSR marker identification 2015 Molecular Genetics and Genomics
Group Exchange between Ketones and Carboxylic Acids through Directing Group Assisted Rh-Catalyzed Reorganization of Carbon Skeletons 2015 Journal of the American Chemical Society
中国爬行纲动物分类厘定 2015 生物多样性
生男生女,靠猜不行THE SECRET OF GENDER 2015 新发现(青少年版)
Two New Species of Liuixalus (Rhacophoridae, Anura): Evidence from Morphological and Molecular Analyses 2015 PLOS ONE
Carbon accumulation and sequestration of lakes in China during the Holocene 2015 Global Change Biology
Higher recent peat C accumulation than that during the Holocene on the Zoige Plateau 2015 Quaternary Science Reviews
Response of archaeal communities to water regimes under simulated warming and drought conditions in Tibetan Plateau wetlands 2015 Journal of Soils and Sediments
日本大鲵的现状及对中国大鲵保护的启示 2015 应用与环境生物学报