论文题目 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
Photosynthetic responses of two pleurocarpous mosses to low-level nitrogen addition: A study in an old-growth fir forest 2015 Journal of Bryology
Leptochilus oblongus (Polypodiaceae), a new fern species from northern Vietnam 2015 Phytotaxa
Didymochlaenaceae: A new fern family of eupolypods I (Polypodiales) 2015 Taxon
A large‐scale phylogeny of the lycophyte genus Selaginella (Selaginellaceae: Lycopodiopsida) based on plastid and nuclear loci 2015 Cladistics
Youngia purpimea (Asteraceae), a new species from Sichuan, China 2015 phytotaxon
A monograph of the Anisophylleaceae (Cucurbitales) with description of 18 new species of Anisophyllea 2015 Phytotaxa
Notes on the fern flora of Fiji: Synonymization of Ctenitis minima and Dryopteris waiwaiensis with Tectaria dissecta(Tectariaceae) and Deparia boryana (Athyriaceae), respectively 2015 Phytotax
Validation of Ctenitis jinfoshanensis (Dryopteridaceae) and Lepisorus simulans (Polypodiaceae) for fern flora of China 2015 Phytotaxa
What We Do (and Don’t) Know About Ferns:Dryopteris(Dryopteridaceae) as a Case Study 2015 Systematic Botany
Selaginella daozhenensis (Selaginellaceae), a new lycophyte from a limestone cave in northern Guizhou, China 2015 Phytotaxa
Comparison of classifications of vascular plants of China 2015 Taxon
Selaginella chuweimingii (Selaginellaceae) sp. nov.from Yunnan, China 2015 Phytotaxa
Identification and distribution of VERNALIZATION1 alleles in Chinese barley (Hordeum vulgare) germplasm 2015 Molecular breeding
polyphenol oxidase activity and yellow pigment content in Aegilops tauschii, Triticum trugidum, Triticum aestivum, synthetic hexaploid wheat and its parents 2015 Journal of Cereal Science
Comparing Small-Scale Testing Methods for Predicting Wheat Gluten Strength Across Environments 2015 Cereal Chemistry
Synthesis of Indole Terpenoid Mimics through a Functionality-Tolerated Eu(fod)3-Catalyzed Conjugate Addition 2015 Chem. Asian J.
Lathyrol Diterpenes as Modulators of P-Glycoprotein Dependent Multidrug Resistance: Structure–Activity Relationship Studies on Euphorbia Factor L3 Derivatives 2015 Journal of medicinal Chemistry
小麦高亲和性钾转运蛋白基因( HKT1)多样性分析与染色体定位 2015 华北农学报
水稻种皮花青素和原花青素合成相关研究进展 2015 种子
小麦种子过氧化物酶活性分析 2015 中国农学通报