来源:《自然 》
作者:Wensheng Wang等
由中国主导的国际间科研大协作项目“3000 份水稻基因组研究”26日结出硕果——北京时间当日凌晨 1 时,国际顶级学术期刊《自然》正式发表《3010 份亚洲栽培稻基因组研究》。该研究针对水稻起源、分类和驯化规律进行了深入探讨,揭示了亚洲栽培稻的起源和群体基因组变异结构,剖析了水稻核心种质资源的基因组遗传多样性。
该项目首席科学家、中国农科院作科所研究员黎志康表示,全球一共保留了 78 万份水稻种质资源,弄清核心种质资源的基因组的多样性,包括所有基因的等位基因及其各种各样的变异,能够为未来的水稻品种改良建立永久的、基于水稻功能基因组信息的数据库和应用平台。
他介绍,项目经严格的分层取样法,选取源于全球 89 个国家的 3010 份水稻种质,代表了 78 万份中 95% 以上的遗传多样性。研究成果相当于在水稻基因组中加进了 2900 万个标签,给基因育种提供了精确导向;恢复了籼稻、粳稻的命名;完成了对栽培稻最精细的种群分类;发现了丰富的基因组结构变异,包括易位、倒位、重复和缺失;确定了全球首个近于完整的、高质量的农作物——亚洲栽培稻的泛基因组。(来源:科技日报 瞿剑)
Genomic variation in 3,010 diverse accessions of Asian cultivated rice
Abstract Here we analyse genetic variation, population structure and diversity among 3,010 diverse Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) genomes from the 3,000 Rice Genomes Project. Our results are consistent with the five major groups previously recognized, but also suggest several unreported subpopulations that correlate with geographic location. We identified 29 million single nucleotide polymorphisms, 2.4 million small indels and over 90,000 structural variations that contribute to within- and between-population variation. Using pan-genome analyses, we identified more than 10,000 novel full-length protein-coding genes and a high number of presence–absence variations. The complex patterns of introgression observed in domestication genes are consistent with multiple independent rice domestication events. The public availability of data from the 3,000 Rice Genomes Project provides a resource for rice genomics research and breeding.