我国科学家破译青蒿 “基因密码”
上海交通大学长江学者特聘教授唐克轩研究团队历时 5 年多,完成了青蒿复杂基因组的测序,并完成了多个组织部位的转录组遗传信息发掘,为青蒿乃至菊科植物的基础研究、品种选育打下了基础。相关研究成果近日在线发表于《Molecular Plant》。
据悉,上海交通大学联合西南大学、国家人类基因组南方研究中心等单位对经该研究团队多年选育的高产青蒿素青蒿品种——沪蒿 1 号进行了全基因组测序、组装、注释及相关分析,测序共产生 450 Gb 的庞大数据,测序深度达到 260 倍左右,共组装出了约 1.74 Gb 基因组总长,预测鉴定出了 63226 个编码蛋白基因,属于基因数量较多的物种之一。
研究发现,整个基因组中存在大量重复序列(高达 61.57%),这可能是整个菊科植物基因组普遍较大且较为复杂的原因,青蒿中还存在许多菊科特有的基因家族及基因。
该研究团队建立了能够高效促进青蒿素合成途径整个代谢流的上、中、下游多基因转化策略,成功培育出了高产青蒿素的代谢工程改良青蒿品种,其青蒿素的含量达到了叶片干重的 3.2% 左右。
该团队发现,青蒿素类化合物与他汀类药物联用,通过不同的作用机制,产生了显著的增效减毒效果。两药联用,可使他汀类药物的使用剂量降低一半,但获得了更大幅度的降脂效果,同时显著降低了他汀类药物的肝毒性,该成果有望在近期开发成为针对他汀不耐受人群的降脂新药。(来源:中国科学报 黄辛)
The Genome of Artemisia annua Provides Insight into the Evolution of Asteraceae Family and Artemisinin Biosynthesis
Abstract Artemisia annua, commonly known as sweet wormwood or Qinghao, is a shrub native to China and has long been used for medicinal purposes. A. annua is now cultivated globally as the only natural source of a potent anti-malarial compound, artemisinin. Here, we report a high-quality draft assembly of the 1.74-gigabase genome of A. annua, which is highly heterozygous, rich in repetitive sequences, and contains 63 226 protein-coding genes, one of the largest numbers among the sequenced plant species. We found that, as one of a few sequenced genomes in the Asteraceae, the A. annua genome contains a large number of genes specific to this large angiosperm clade. Notably, the expansion and functional diversification of genes encoding enzymes involved in terpene biosynthesis are consistent with the evolution of the artemisinin biosynthetic pathway. We further revealed by transcriptome profiling that A. annua has evolved the sophisticated transcriptional regulatory networks underlying artemisinin biosynthesis. Based on comprehensive genomic and transcriptomic analyses we generated transgenic A. annua lines producing high levels of artemisinin, which are now ready for large-scale production and thereby will help meet the challenge of increasing global demand of artemisinin.