来源:《自然遗传学》 作者:Joshua C. Stein等 时间:2018-02-01






这篇详细描述了野生稻和野生稻基因组研究结果的《Nature Genetics》文章证实澳大利亚野生稻是所有水稻祖先的最直接相关物种。

此外,这项研究还是现代水稻研究的一个里程碑,它建立了首个完整的IR 8“奇迹水稻(Miracle Rice的长读长组装,IR8正是Henry hank Beachell于上世纪六十年代成功培育,掀起全球绿色革命,缓解世界饥荒的明星水稻。

昆士兰农业和食品创新联盟的Robert Henry 教授说:这些野生水稻可以抵抗稻瘟病、褐斑病和细菌性叶斑病,野生稻的遗传信息可以指导商业水稻开发,使其适应不良生存环境。



这种差异导致了亚洲和非洲水稻品种作为商业水稻的广泛使用。Henry 教授说:澳洲野生水稻的发现是一个机会,它将进一步促进全球水稻种植,为人类餐桌提供更美味和营养的食物。





Genomes of 13 domesticated and wild rice relatives highlight genetic conservation, turnover and innovation across the genus Oryza


 Abstract  The genus Oryza is a model system for the study of molecular evolution over time scales ranging from a few thousand to 15 million years. Using 13 reference genomes spanning the Oryza species tree, we show that despite few large-scale chromosomal rearrangements rapid species diversification is mirrored by lineage-specific emergence and turnover of many novel elements, including transposons, and potential new coding and noncoding genes. Our study resolves controversial areas of the Oryza phylogeny, showing a complex history of introgression among different chromosomes in the young ‘AA’ subclade containing the two domesticated species. This study highlights the prevalence of functionally coupled disease resistance genes and identifies many new haplotypes of potential use for future crop protection. Finally, this study marks a milestone in modern rice research with the release of a complete long-read assembly of IR 8 ‘Miracle Rice’, which relieved famine and drove the Green Revolution in Asia 50 years ago.




