来源:《国家科学评论》 作者:孙航等 时间:2018-01-24







中国科学院昆明植物研究所孙航研究组在前人划分的中国-日本森林植物亚区和中国-喜马拉雅森林植物亚区的基础上,进一步将以古特有或孑遗植物集中分布的中国-日本森林植物亚区(华中-华东地区为核心)界定为“水杉植物区系(Metasequoia Flora)”;与之对应,将以杜鹃属(Rhododendron)为代表、众多形成物种分化中心的北半球大属集中分布的中国-喜马拉雅森林植物亚区核心区域(横断山-东喜马拉雅地区)命名为“杜鹃植物区系(Rhododendron Flora)”,更客观地反映东亚植物区系的核心范围。在此基础上,利用分子系统学和分子生物地理学数据,结合古气候、古地质、古植被等方面的证据对东亚植物区系在时间和空间上的演化进行整合分析(Metaanalysis)。结果表明: 1)东亚植物区系并不是一个古老的植物区系,而是在中新世以后伴随着季风气候的形成与发展而形成的,是相对比较年轻的植物区系;东亚是许多古老孑遗植物的避难所,而非起源地;(2)水杉植物区系与杜鹃植物区系有相似或相同的起源时间,二者皆为中新世之后发展起来的;两个区系物种多样性不均衡分布一方面与青藏高原的隆升在杜鹃植物区系形成大量的异质性环境相关,另一方面可能与这两个区系内山脉的不同走向有关。(3)东亚植物区系成分来源复杂,与北半球各区系均由密切的关系,也是北半球植物区系重要的避难所,研究首次解析了各成分来源比例。


研究成果以Is the East Asian flora ancient or not?为题,在线发表在National Science Review上。研究工作得到了国家自然科学基金委重大项目和国家重点研发计划项目的资助。(来源:中国科学院昆明植物研究所)


Is the East Asian flora ancient or not?


Abstract   The East Asian Flora (EAF) is a key biodiversity hotspot for understanding the origin and evolution of the Northern Hemisphere floras, but there is an ongoing debate whether it is a “museum” of old species or “cradle” of recent speciation. Within the EAF, two main floras, Sino-Himalayan Flora (mainly Rhododendron Flora) and Sino-Japanese Flora (mainly Metasequoia Flora), were recognized. Previous studies suggested that the EAF is ancient and the Metasequoia Flora is older than the Rhododendron Flora. To test this hypothesis, we synthesized molecular as well as fossil data on seed plants, focusing on the biogeographical origins and historical evolution of the EAF. We compared the ages of its two constituent floras, and examined the impact of the Asian monsoon and other environmental changes on the development of EAF through meta-analysis. Our results suggest that the EAF might be relatively young, with most of its clades originating since the Miocene. The Rhododendron Flora and the Metasequoia Flora are probably of a similar age. The formation and development of the Asian monsoon might have been the main factors that drive the evolution of EAF. In the Rhododendron Flora, the north-south mountain chains increased the concentration of species and reduced extinction, and the barriers between the east and west have resulted in species differentiation, which triggered it become a diversity center. The EAF appears to have multiple biogeographical origins, being closely affiliations not only with other floras in the Northern Hemisphere, but also with Gondwanan floras.





