SV14S是一个在水稻育种上被广泛应用的温敏不育系,它的茎秆基部节间显著缩短,显示良好的抗倒伏能力。李来庚研究组通过遗传分析发现,该茎秆基部节间缩短是由单一基因控制的半显性遗传性状,并将该基因命名为Shornted Basal Internodes(SBI)。结合图位克隆和基因组技术,研究发现SBI编码一个尚未报道的GA2氧化酶,在茎秆基部节间高表达。酶功能分析证明,SBI编码的GA2氧化酶可以将活性赤霉素转化为非活性赤霉素化合物。水稻中SBI存在两个等位变异基因型,导致SBI酶催化活性显著不同。高活性的SBI位点使得水稻茎秆基部节中活性赤霉素含量显著降低,从而抑制基部节间的伸长。体内和体外研究结果证明,位于SBI蛋白序列保守区域的第338位氨基酸的差异是影响SBI酶活性的关键位点。通过对大量水稻品种基因分析发现,该位点的变化影响水稻品种株高及茎秆基部节间长度。同时,基因演化分析表明SBI等位基因之间的差异很可能来自于不同祖先的野生稻群体。
相关研究成果以Shortened Basal Internodes Encodes a Gibberellin 2-Oxidase and Contributes to Lodging Resistance in Rice为题发表于Molecular Plant。该研究得到了国家自然科学基金委、科技部以及中科院的资助。(来源:中国科学院上海生命科学研究院)
Shortened Basal Internodes Encodes a Gibberellin 2-Oxidase and Contributes to Lodging Resistance in Rice
Abstract Breeding semi-dwarf varieties to improve lodging resistance has proven to be enormously successful in increasing grain yield since the advent of the “green revolution”. However, the breeding of the majority of semi-dwarf rice varieties in Asia has been dependent on genetic introduction of the mutant alleles of SD1, which encodes a GA 20-Oxidase, OsGA20ox2, for catalyzing GA biosynthesis. Here we report a new rice lodging resistance gene, Shortened basal internodes (SBI), which encodes a gibberellins 2-oxidase and specifically controls the elongation of culm basal internodes through deactivating GA activity. SBI is predominantly expressed in culm basal internodes. Genetic analyses indicate that SBI is a semi-dominant gene affecting rice height and lodging resistance. SBI allelic variants display different activities and are associated with the height of rice varieties. Breeding with higher activity of the SBI allele generates new rice varieties with improved lodging resistance and increased yield. The discovery of the SBI provides a desirable gene resource for producing semi-dwarf rice phenotypes and offers an effective strategy for breeding rice varieties with lodging resistance and high yield.