来源:《可持续化学与工程》 作者:吴正岩等 时间:2017-03-08




这项研究成果近期发表在美国化学会的绿色化学领域核心期刊《美国化学会可持续化学与工程》ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering)上。




据介绍,这种新型的土壤修复材料亩均成本只有10元至30元,修复过程直接融入耕种流程之中,不仅使用便捷,相比传统修复方法效率也大幅提高,并且可以制作成粉剂、液体、颗粒等各种形式。专家表示,该材料应用前景广阔,明年有望实现量产。(来源:新华社 杨丁淼)


Remediation of Cr(VI)-Contaminated Acid Soil Using a Nanocomposite


Abstract  In this work, an acid soil remediation agent (ASRA) was developed based on a nano composite composed of anhydrous sodium carbonate (ASC), attapulgite (ATP), and straw ash-based biochar and biosilica (BCS), wherein ASC was supported by ATP, and the resulting ASC-ATP was loaded into the micro/nano pores of BCS. ASRA with a porous nanonetworks structure could efficiently inhibit the loss of Ca2+ and increase the pH of the acid soil. Meanwhile, it was shown that the ASRA was effective on acid soil in both lateral and vertical directions. Additionally, because of the pH improvement and the adsorption capacity, ASRA could significantly decrease the migration and contamination of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)). Additionally, the pot experiment proved that ASRA could effectively reduce the uptake of Cr(VI) by corn, and exhibit a positive effect on the height, chlorophyll content in the leaves and the root length of corn. Therefore, this work may provide a fundamental and facile method on the remediation of Cr(VI)-contaminated acid soil.




