来源:《Nature Communications》
作者:Jens Nielsen
记者近日获悉,来自瑞典查尔姆斯理工大学Jens Nielsen教授课题组系统工程化改造了酿酒酵母,实现了长链脂肪酸及其衍生物烷烃和脂肪醇的高效合成。该成果近期发表于《自然-通讯》。首先,研究人员系统地重构了酿酒酵母的初级代谢,增加前体供给,实现了长链脂肪酸的高效合成,产量达到了10.4 g/L。随后研究人员引入异源代谢途径,平衡代谢流,合成了烷烃和脂肪醇,其中脂肪醇产量达到了1.5 g/L。这些均是目前报道的酿酒酵母最高产量。这个结果为将来实现从生物质到生物化学品打好了基础。
Jens Nielsen教授谈到该项研究成果说道:酿酒酵母被广泛用来生产面包以及酒精,其优异性能将有利于真正大规模工业化生产,但是其油脂合成能力较低。所以我们通过合成生物学策略把产酒酵母变成产油酵母。我们的结果展示了未来酵母合成油脂化学品的潜力与可能。该研究主要执行者周雍进博士同时提到,该研究结果很好了展示了酵母合成油脂化学品的潜力,但是离产业化还有一定的距离,但相信继续进行代谢改造,提高生产强度,有望成为将来油脂化学品生产的有力补充。(来源:科学网)
Production of fatty acid-derived oleochemicals and biofuels by synthetic yeast cell factories
Abstract Sustainable production of oleochemicals requires establishment of cell factory platform strains. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an attractive cell factory as new strains can be rapidly implemented into existing infrastructures such as bioethanol production plants. Here we show high-level production of free fatty acids (FFAs) in a yeast cell factory, and the production of alkanes and fatty alcohols from its descendants. The engineered strain produces up to 10.4 g l−1 of FFAs, which is the highest reported titre to date. Furthermore, through screening of specific pathway enzymes, endogenous alcohol dehydrogenases and aldehyde reductases, we reconstruct efficient pathways for conversion of fatty acids to alkanes (0.8 mg l−1) and fatty alcohols (1.5 g l−1), to our knowledge the highest titres reported in S. cerevisiae. This should facilitate the construction of yeast cell factories for production of fatty acids derived products and even aldehyde-derived chemicals of high value.