来源:《The Lancet Neurology》
作者:Rafael de la Torre等
最近一项研究证明,绿茶中的一种化学物质可改善唐氏综合症患者的认知能力。在长达一年的临床试验中,这种治疗方法改善了患者的记忆和行为测试得分,研究人员将相关结果发表在临床神经学顶级杂志《The Lancet Neurology》。在试验结束后六个月,治疗的积极作用仍然存在。脑部扫描显示,这种化合物——称为儿茶素(epigallocatechin gallate),改变了大脑中神经元连接的方式。
本文通讯作者、巴塞罗纳基因组调控中心的研究员Mara Dierssen指出:“这是第一次有研究显示,一种治疗方法可有效改善唐氏综合症患者的认知能力。”
伦敦帝国理工学院神经精神药理学中心的负责人David Nutt这样评论这项研究:“了解唐氏综合症导致的遗传神经生物学,会带来可能的治疗方法,这是令人兴奋的。”
巴黎大脑和脊柱研究所的专家Marie-Claude Potie表示,这些结果是“一次飞跃”,但是其安全性和有效性还有待于确认。
然而,研究人员提醒说,尽管他们承认这项新研究的重要性,但遗传学不是万能的。亚利桑那大学Evelyn F. McKnight大脑研究所的Fabian Fernandez和Jamie Edgin在一篇评论中这样写道:“我们再也不能仅仅通过21三体的镜头来观察唐氏综合症患者。”
他们在《The Lancet Neurology》中写道,同样重要的是,要根据每个人更大的遗传学和环境背景、以及其他健康问题和受教育的机会,来了解他们。
Safety and efficacy of cognitive training plus epigallocatechin-3-gallate in young adults with Down's syndrome (TESDAD): a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial
Abstract Background Early cognitive intervention is the only routine therapeutic approach used for amelioration of intellectual deficits in individuals with Down's syndrome, but its effects are limited. We hypothesised that administration of a green tea extract containing epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) would improve the effects of non-pharmacological cognitive rehabilitation in young adults with Down's syndrome.
Methods We enrolled adults (aged 16–34 years) with Down's syndrome from outpatient settings in Catalonia, Spain, with any of the Down's syndrome genetic variations (trisomy 21, partial trisomy, mosaic, or translocation) in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2, single centre trial (TESDAD). Participants were randomly assigned at the IMIM-Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute to receive EGCG (9 mg/kg per day) or placebo and cognitive training for 12 months. We followed up participants for 6 months after treatment discontinuation. We randomly assigned participants using random-number tables and balanced allocation by sex and intellectual quotient. Participants, families, and researchers assessing the participants were masked to treatment allocation. The primary endpoint was cognitive improvement assessed by neuropsychologists with a battery of cognitive tests for episodic memory, executive function, and functional measurements. Analysis was on an intention-to-treat basis. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01699711.
Findings The study was done between June 5, 2012, and June 6, 2014. 84 of 87 participants with Down's syndrome were included in the intention-to-treat analysis at 12 months (43 in the EGCG and cognitive training group and 41 in the placebo and cognitive training group). Differences between the groups were not significant on 13 of 15 tests in the TESDAD battery and eight of nine adaptive skills in the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System II (ABAS-II). At 12 months, participants treated with EGCG and cognitive training had significantly higher scores in visual recognition memory (Pattern Recognition Memory test immediate recall, adjusted mean difference: 6·23 percentage points [95% CI 0·31 to 12·14], p=0·039; d 0·4 [0·05 to 0·84]), inhibitory control (Cats and Dogs total score, adjusted mean difference: 0·48 [0·02 to 0·93], p=0·041; d 0·28 [0·19 to 0·74]; Cats and Dogs total response time, adjusted mean difference: −4·58 s [–8·54 to −0·62], p=0·024;d −0·27 [–0·72 to −0·20]), and adaptive behaviour (ABAS-II functional academics score, adjusted mean difference: 5·49 [2·13 to 8·86], p=0·002; d 0·39 [–0·06 to 0·84]). No differences were noted in adverse effects between the two treatment groups.