论文题目 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
Enhanced antitumor activity and mechanism of biodegradable polymeric micelles-encapsulated chetomin in both transgenic zebrafish and mouse models 2014 Nanoscale
High-efficiency motor neuron differentiation from human pluripotent stem cells and the function of Islet-1 2014 nature communications
Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus deficiency on transcriptional regulation of genes encoding key enzymes of starch metabolism in duckweed (Landoltia punctata) 2015 Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Comparison of Seven Chemical Pretreatments of Corn Straw for Improving Methane Yield by Anaerobic Digestion 2014 PLoS ONE
Functional Potential of Soil Microbial Communities in the Maize Rhizosphere 2014 PLoS ONE
不同温度下氢氧化钠预处理对玉米秸秆甲烷产量的影响 2014 化工学报
畜禽粪便恶臭控制研究及应用进展 2014 应用与环境生物学报
核桃青皮提取物的抗菌和抗氧化活性 2014 应用与环境生物学报
几种葛根主要化学成分的测定与比较分析 2014 西南农业学报
清洁高效甘薯淀粉加工技术体系 2014 淀粉与淀粉糖
玉米秸秆产生物燃气及其微生物群落解析 2014 化工学报
原核微生物菌群的空间分异增强秸秆-猪粪混合发酵效率 2014 化工学报
猪粪原料沼气工程系统中的原核微生物群落结构 2014 化工学报
Temporal Changes in Microbial Metabolic Characteristics in Field-Scale Biopiles Composed of Aged Oil Sludge 2014 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE
秸秆猪粪混合发酵系统原核微生物时空动态变化 2014 中国生态学会微生物生态专业委员会2014年年会暨国际学术研讨会论文摘要集
羊草草甸原核微生物群落对氮沉降的响应 2014 中国生态学会微生物生态专业委员会2014年年会暨国际学术研讨会论文摘要集
Microbial community and removal of nitrogen via the addition of a carrier in a pilot-scale duckweed-based wastewater treatment system 2014 Bioresource Technology
Rate-specific responses of prokaryotic diversity and structure to nitrogen deposition in the Leymus chinensis steppe 2014 Soil Biology & Biochemistry
Bt 棉不影响土壤根际线虫群落特征 戈峰 2013 APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY