A New Cyclization/Decarboxylation Reaction of Isatins with Acyl Chlorides for the Facile Synthesis |
2014 |
裸蒴中四个新的联苯四氢呋喃型木脂素 |
2014 |
Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry |
Fast Separation Method Development for Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Using an Autoblending Protocol |
2014 |
Chromatographia |
A rapid and highly specific method to evaluate the presence of 2-(2-phenylethyl) chromones in agarwood by supercritical fluid chromatography-mass spectrometry |
2014 |
European Journal of Mass Spectrometry |
Advanced ultra-performance liquid chromatography-photodiode array-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometric methods for simultaneous screening and quantification of triterpenoids in Poria cocos |
2014 |
Food chemistry |
Further Biphenyl Lignans with a Tetrahydrofuran Moiety from Gymnotheca chinensis |
2014 |
Helvetica Chimica Acta |
Unexpected [M]+ radical ions deriving from the cleavage of C-H bond in diarylmethylamines detected by electrospray mass spectrometry |
2014 |
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry |
电喷雾质谱研究3位取代的氧化吲哚 |
2014 |
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry |
Investigation of the Chemical Compositions in Tobacco of Different Origins and Maturities at Harvest by GC/MS and HPLC/PDA-QTOF-MS |
2014 |
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry |
Analysis of a caffeic acid derivative by ESI–MS/MS: unexpected product ions formed by ‘internal residue loss’ |
2014 |
Tandem Michael Addition?Ring Transformation Reactions of 3?Hydroxyoxindoles/3-Aminooxindoles with Olefinic Azlactones |
2014 |
A facile synthesis of 3-hydroxy-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrrol-2(3H)-ones with Br?nsted acid-catalyzed condensationecyclization |
2014 |
Tetrahedron |
UPLC-MS/MS法同时检测八种抗生素 |
2014 |
分析试验室 |
Quinine-catalyzed asymmetric domino Michael-cyclization reaction for the synthesis of spirocyclic oxindoles bearing two spiro quaternary centers |
2014 |
Tetrahedron |
β-内酰胺类抗生素质谱裂解机理研究 |
2014 |
质谱学报 |
北栽秧花化学成分研究 |
2014 |
中草药 |
Two novel polycyclic spiro lignans from Gymnotheca involucrata |
2014 |
Tetrahedron Letters |
羌活化学成分的UPLC-MS分析 |
2014 |
分析试验室 |
色质联用技术在中药质量控制中的应用 |
2014 |
分析试验室 |
一株羌活内生真箘代谢产物的UPLC-MS分析 |
2014 |
分析试验室 |