论文题目 通讯作者 发布年度 刊物名称
The carbon stock of alpine peatlands on the QinghaieTibetan Plateau during the Holocene and their future fate 2014 Quaternary Science Reviews
Effects of soil warming, rainfall reduction and water table level on CH4 emissions from the Zoige peatland in China 2014 Soil Biology & Biochemistry
Livelihood?diversification?as?an?adaptation?approach?to?change?in the pastoral Hindu-Kush Himalayan region 2014 JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE
Domesticated?honey?bees?evolutionarily?reduce flower nectar volume in a Tibetan lotus 2014 ECOLOGY
The?optimization?of?seed?yield?across?the?flowering season?of?Gentiana leucomelaena (Gentianaceae), an herbaceous Tibetan annual 2014 ARCTIC ANTARCTIC AND ALPINE RESEARCH
Soil methane uptake by grasslands and forests in China 2014 Soil Biology & Biochemistry
Effects of nitrogen and sulfur deposition on CH4 and N2O fluxes in high-altitude peatland soil under different water tables in the Tibetan Plateau 2014 Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
利用Multi-Temporal MODIS Imagery和二氧化碳通量塔数据模拟中国西南若尔盖高海拔湿地的碳通量 2014 Wetlands
青藏高原东北部5000 年来气候变化与若尔盖湿地历史生态学研究进展 2014 生态学报
生计资本对青藏高原东缘牧民生计活动的影响及区域差异 2014 资源科学
刈割对南方草地植物补偿性生长的影响 2014 应用与环境生物学报
植物的亲缘选择 2014 生态学报
Exploring the stability of long intergenic non-coding RNA in K562 cells by comparative studies of RNA-Seq datasets 2014 Biology Direct
Analysis of DNA methylation of perennial ryegrass under drought using the methylation?sensitive amplification polymorphism (MSAP) technique 2014 Mol Genet Genomics
Exploring the Polyadenylated RNA Virome of Sweet Potato through High-Throughput Sequencing 2014 PLoS ONE
Scanning of Transposable Elements and Analyzing Expression of Transposase Genes of Sweet Potato [Ipomoea batatas] 2014 PLoS ONE
铁皮石斛尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(UGP)的密码子偏好性分析 2014 应用与环境生物学报
Analysis for measuring peroxidase activity in wheat seeds 2014 Res.on Crops
小麦淀粉合成酶的研究进展 2014 贵州农业科学
小麦矮秆基因Rht-B1b、Rht-D1b、Rht8的检测 2014 应用与环境生物学报