来源:《National Science Review》
聚酮合酶 (polyketide synthases, PKSs)、聚肽合成酶 (non-ribosomal peptide synthetases, NRPSs) 及其杂合蛋白的模块之间催化形成C-C键或者C-N键。KS,酮基合成酶 (β-ketoacylsynthase);AT,酰基转移酶(acyltransferase);T,硫酯化功能域 (thiolation domain);C,缩合功能域 (condensation);A,腺苷化功能域 (adenylation)。
聚酮类、非核糖体聚肽类及其杂合化合物的生物合成过程是“模板化装配线酶学机制”的典型代表。以聚酮为例,在一个最小的聚酮合酶 (polyketide synthases, PKSs) 模块中,酰基转移酶识别并上载小分子羧酸底物到硫酯化功能域上,再由酮基合成酶催化两个底物之间发生克莱森缩合形成C-C键。非核糖体聚肽合成酶 (non-ribosomal peptide synthetases, NRPSs) 催化过程与之相似,区别在于利用氨基酸作为底物,催化形成C-N键。PKS和NRPS的模块之间可以进行置换和融合,进而产生更为复杂的杂合化合物。基于模块化的组织方式,PKS/NRPSs形成了一条集前体聚合与修饰以及链延伸与终止为一体的装配线,并且遵循非迭代的“单结构域单功能”规则。虽然以PKSs和NRPSs为代表的装配线化学已经得到较为充分的研究,然而,近年来,越来越多的特殊装配线被发现,包括特殊的前体单元、装配线上的化学修饰以及线下后修饰反应几个方面。
《国家科学评论》最近发表了由中科院上海有机化学研究所陈明、刘景玉、段盼盼、李牡林和刘文等5位作者共同撰写的“天然产物的模板化生物合成及其分子改造”综述论文 (https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nww045),着重介绍了聚酮和聚肽两类天然产物的高度进化的“模板化”生物合成逻辑,并回顾了21世纪以来的新发现和在此基础上进行工程改造的成果。(来源:科学网)
Biosynthesis and molecular engineering of templated natural products
Abstract Bioactive small molecules that are produced by living organisms, often referred to as natural products (NPs), historically play a critical role in the context of both medicinal chemistry and chemical biology. How nature creates these chemical entities with stunning structural complexity and diversity using a limited range of simple substrates has not been fully understood. Focusing on two types of NPs that share a highly evolvable ‘template’-biosynthetic logic, we here provide specific examples to highlight the conceptual and technological leaps in NP biosynthesis and witness the area of progress since the beginning of the twenty-first century. The biosynthesis of polyketides, non-ribosomal peptides and their hybrids that share an assembly-line enzymology of modular multifunctional proteins exemplifies an extended ‘central dogma’ that correlates the genotype of catalysts with the chemotype of products; in parallel, post-translational modifications of ribosomally synthesized peptides involve a number of unusual biochemical mechanisms for molecular maturation. Understanding the biosynthetic processes of these templated NPs would largely facilitate the design, development and utilization of compatible biosynthetic machineries to address the challenge that often arises from structural complexity to the accessibility and efficiency of current chemical synthesis.