来源:Nature Chemistry 时间:2016/12/13



  快速老化和艾滋病毒药物之间的联系,长期以来一直都受到质疑,但没有得以证明,部分原因是由于我们很难跟踪药物通过身体的分子途径。现在,一种新的质谱技术展示了抗HIV药物如何影响核纤层蛋白A,这种蛋白对于维持细胞形状至关重要,在分子水平上也与衰老有关。相关研究结果发表在最近的《Nature Chemistry》杂志。 

  这项研究的通讯作者、牛津大学教授Dame Carol Robinson指出:“这是第一次用质谱法解开这个问题。我们研究过其他的膜蛋白,但没有用这种方法来研究未知蛋白靶标的脱靶结合。” 





  现在,研究人员计划用这种新技术,调查各种药物的其他预期的和非预期的靶标。Robinson认为,该方法未来可应用于药物设计,因为许多药物可能会影响意想不到的靶标,她说:“虽然我们正在做分子研究,但我们认为这将有下游的临床用途。”(来源:生物通  王英) 


  Mass spectrometry captures off-target drug binding and provides mechanistic insights into the human metalloprotease ZMPSTE24 


  Abstract  Off-target binding of hydrophobic drugs can lead to unwanted side effects, either through specific or non-specific binding to unintended membrane protein targets. However, distinguishing the binding of drugs to membrane proteins from that of detergents, lipids and cofactors is challenging. Here, we use high-resolution mass spectrometry to study the effects of HIV protease inhibitors on the human zinc metalloprotease ZMPSTE24. This intramembrane protease plays a major role in converting prelamin A to mature lamin A. We monitored the proteolysis of farnesylated prelamin A peptide by ZMPSTE24 and unexpectedly found retention of the C-terminal peptide product with the enzyme. We also resolved binding of zinc, lipids and HIV protease inhibitors and showed that drug binding blocked prelamin A peptide cleavage and conferred stability to ZMPSTE24. Our results not only have relevance for the progeria-like side effects of certain HIV protease inhibitor drugs, but also highlight new approaches for documenting off-target drug binding. 

