来源:《当代生物学》 时间:2016/09/07






该研究报道了一个经典案例,发现了动物适应高原极端环境过程中宿主和微生物组的协同进化,是同域哺乳动物适应进化的必然选择之一。另外,发现的低甲烷排放的高海拔哺乳动物,为进一步通过生物调控策略缓解其他动物排放甲烷引起的温室效应具有重要的现实意义。该研究成果于617日在线发表在Current Biology (Convergent Evolution of Rumen Microbiomes in High-Altitude MammalsCurrent Biology DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2016.05.012)上,研究工作得到了中科院战略性先导科技专项(B类)和国家杰出青年科学基金项目的支持。(来源:中科院昆明动物研究所)


Convergent Evolution of Rumen Microbiomes in High-Altitude Mammals


Abstract  Studies of genetic adaptation, a central focus of evolutionary biology, most often focus on the host’s genome and only rarely on its co-evolved microbiome. The Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) offers one of the most extreme environments for the survival of human and other mammalian species. Yaks (Bos grunniens) and Tibetan sheep (T-sheep) (Ovis aries) have adaptations for living in this harsh high-altitude environment, where nomadic Tibetan people keep them primarily for food and livelihood [ 1 ]. Adaptive evolution affects energy-metabolism-related genes in a way that helps these ruminants live at high altitude [ 2, 3 ]. Herein, we report convergent evolution of rumen microbiomes for energy harvesting persistence in two typical high-altitude ruminants, yaks and T-sheep. Both ruminants yield significantly lower levels of methane and higher yields of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) than their low-altitude relatives, cattle (Bos taurus) and ordinary sheep (Ovis aries). Ultra-deep metagenomic sequencing reveals significant enrichment in VFA-yielding pathways of rumen microbial genes in high-altitude ruminants, whereas methanogenesis pathways show enrichment in the cattle metagenome. Analyses of RNA transcriptomes reveal significant upregulation in 36 genes associated with VFA transport and absorption in the ruminal epithelium of high-altitude ruminants. Our study provides novel insights into the contributions of microbiomes to adaptive evolution in mammals and sheds light on the biological control of greenhouse gas emissions from livestock enteric fermentation.



