来源:《Biogeochemistry》 时间:2016/04/25






研究人员依托我国北方草地样带调查,通过国际合作研究,重点分析气候变化对土壤硫元素分布格局及其与碳、氮关系的影响,并着力阐明其内在过程与机制。他们发现,在干旱度指数等于0.91时,土壤有效硫空间格局及其与碳、氮关系发生了明显的变化。在较湿润地区(干旱指数小于0.91),随着干旱度指数增加,土壤有效硫含量逐渐降低,土壤有效硫含量与碳、氮含量呈显著正相关关系。在较干旱地区(干旱指数大于0.91),随着干旱指数的增加,土壤有效硫含量反而升高,土壤有效硫含量与碳、氮含量失去相关关系。(来源:中国科学报 彭科峰)


A threshold reveals decoupled relationship of sulfur with carbon and nitrogen in soils across arid and semi-arid grasslands in northern China


Abstract  How climatic factors influence the balance of sulfur (S) with carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in soils is not well understood. Here we report the results of S, C and N concentrations in 550 soil samples along a 3500-km aridity gradient across arid and semi-arid grasslands in northern China. Our results showed that soil available S (AS) concentrations decreased with increasing aridity index (AI, calculated as ‘1—the ratio of mean annual precipitation to potential evapotranspiration’) when AI < 0.91 (90–450 mm rainfall year−1), but increased when AI > 0.91 (30–90 mm rainfall year−1), having a threshold at AI = 0.91 (90 mm rainfall year−1). Soil AS concentrations were positively related to soil organic C (OC), soil total N (TN), microbial biomass C and N concentrations, and arylsulphatase activities when AI < 0.91, but were not positively related to these variables when AI > 0.91. Topsoil AS:OC and AS:TN ratios mainly depended on OC and TN concentrations when AI < 0.91, but mainly depended on AS concentrations when AI > 0.91. The decreased (AI < 0.91) and increased total S concentrations (AI > 0.91) with increasing AI along the gradient provided further evidence for the existence of this fundamental threshold. High concentrations of sulfate in drier soils were associated with long-term atmosphere inputs and groundwater-derived salts with minimal leaching rates. Overall, our findings imply that aridity asymmetrically controls the relationships of soil AS with OC and TN on the two sides of the threshold, i.e. biological processes exerted stronger controls in wetter sites, while geochemical processes played more significant roles in drier sites. These results should be incorporated into predictive models of global biogeochemical cycling under various global climate change scenarios.



