来源:《PNAS》 时间:2016/04/11



在周一发表的《Nature Biotechnology》上,研究人员介绍了这种称为集成数字错误抑制(IDES)的方法。它是基于斯坦福团队之前开发的一种ctDNA检测技术,名为CAPP-seq,目前已被罗氏收购。







最后,他们利用这种方法来监控30NSCLC患者中的突变,这些患者的肿瘤已经过基因分型。研究人员发现,他们能够检测到频率低至0.004%的突变。“据我们所知,这是到目前为止深度测序检测到的最少量ctDNA,”作者写道。(来源:生物通  薄荷)


Integrated digital error suppression for improved detection of circulating tumor DNA


Abstract  High-throughput sequencing of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) promises to facilitate personalized cancer therapy. However, low quantities of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in the blood and sequencing artifacts currently limit analytical sensitivity. To overcome these limitations, we introduce an approach for integrated digital error suppression (iDES). Our method combines in silico elimination of highly stereotypical background artifacts with a molecular barcoding strategy for the efficient recovery of cfDNA molecules. Individually, these two methods each improve the sensitivity of cancer personalized profiling by deep sequencing (CAPP-Seq) by about threefold, and synergize when combined to yield ~15-fold improvements. As a result, iDES-enhanced CAPP-Seq facilitates noninvasive variant detection across hundreds of kilobases. Applied to non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients, our method enabled biopsy-free profiling of EGFR kinase domain mutations with 92% sensitivity and >99.99% specificity at the variant level, and with 90% sensitivity and 96% specificity at the patient level. In addition, our approach allowed monitoring of NSCLC ctDNA down to 4 in 105 cfDNA molecules. We anticipate that iDES will aid the noninvasive genotyping and detection of ctDNA in research and clinical settings.



