来源:《Nature Plants》 时间:2016/02/25


  作者:Nelly A. Horst  来源:《Nature Plants  发布时间:2016/2/2 


  当精子与卵子结合时,一个新生命就诞生了。这是在人类和动物中的情况,但原则上植物也是这样。由来自于弗里堡的生物学家Ralf Reski教授和来自于特拉维夫的Nir Ohad教授所率领的一个德国和以色列的研究小组,发现了青苔小立碗藓中一种基因激活后可不经过受精就产生后代。研究人员认为,这一机制在进化中是保守的,并且是回答一些生物学基本问题的关键。这项研究发表在《自然植物学》(Nature Plants)杂志上。 




  A single homeobox gene triggers phase transition, embryogenesis and asexual reproduction 


  Abstract  Plants characteristically alternate between haploid gametophytic and diploid sporophytic stages. Meiosis and fertilization respectively initiate these two different ontogenies1. Genes triggering ectopic embryo development on vegetative sporophytic tissues are well described2,3; however, a genetic control of embryo development from gametophytic tissues remains elusive. Here, in the moss Physcomitrella patens we show that ectopic overexpression of the homeobox gene BELL1 induces embryo formation and subsequently reproductive diploid sporophytes from specific gametophytic cells without fertilization. In line with this, BELL1 loss-of-function mutants have a wild-type phenotype, except that their egg cells are bigger and unable to form embryos. Our results identify BELL1 as a master regulator for the gametophyte-to-sporophyte transition in P. patens and provide mechanistic insights into the evolution of embryos that can generate multicellular diploid sporophytes. This developmental innovation facilitated the colonization of land by plants about 500 million years ago4 and thus shaped our current ecosystems. 


