来源:《细胞研究》 时间:2015/12/07





据了解,水稻胚乳是人类最主要的粮食来源之一,其结构包含内侧的淀粉胚乳和外侧的糊粉层。叶片光合作用产生的碳水化合物主要以蔗糖形式从筛管组织运输到籽粒。前人的研究认为蔗糖在到达籽粒之后先分解成果糖和葡萄糖,然后通过单糖转运蛋白运输至淀粉胚乳进而合成淀粉。蔗糖是否直接进入、如何进入淀粉胚乳的机制一直不很清楚。(来源:中国科学报 丁佳)


NF-YB1-regulated expression of sucrose transporters in aleurone facilitates sugar loading to rice endosperm


Abstract  In this study, microarray analyses were performed in rice (Oryza sativa L., Zhonghua 11) to identify transcription factors (TFs) differentially expressed between starchy endosperm and aleurone in caryopses collected at 11 to 14 days after pollination (DAP), a stage when grain filling is active. Out of 949 TFs that were differentially expressed, 505 were up-regulated in the aleurone. Real-time PCR was performed to examine their expression patterns further. Os02g0725900 encoding Nuclear Factor Y B1 (NF-YB1) was shown to be expressed in caryopses from 4 to 21 DAP (c4 to c21), similar to the result published recently, while no expression was detected in vegetative tissues examined. Within caryopses, abundant NF-YB1 expression was detected in mixed aleurone-testa sample (a+t), but not in starchy endosperm.



