来源:《生物科学》 时间:2015/10/08





美国爱荷华州立大学的Joseph W. Veldman和他的同事在10月号的《生物科学》(BioScience)杂志的一篇文章报告说,全世界的多草生物群系是生物多样性与生态系统服务的关键贡献者,而且面临着来自转换成农业和植树的巨大压力。这组作者认为,重点放在森林与树木的环境政策和自然保护项目对于草原、热带稀树草原以及开放林冠林地等被低估的生态系统可能具有可怕的生态后果。

为了阐明这种森林偏见与它的后果,Veldman及其同事评议了世界资源研究所与国际自然保护联盟的《森林地貌恢复机遇地图集》,该地图集是作为一种工具被建立起来的,目的是实现到2020年恢复1.5亿公顷森林被砍伐和退化的土地的波恩挑战的目标。《生物科学》这篇论文的作者的全球分析提示,这个地图集错误地把900万平方千米的面积描绘成了为森林恢复提供了“机遇”。这些错误的出现在很大程度上是由于“这份地图集的制作者认为气候可能允许森林发展的任何非森林区域都是森林被砍伐了。” Veldman和他的共同作者写道,诸如这样的问题再加上联合国环境决策者没能认识到需要保护多草生物群系,为生物多样性带来了一个重大的威胁。




Where Tree Planting and Forest Expansion are Bad for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services


Abstract  Misperceptions about the world's grassy biomes contribute to their alarming rates of loss due to conversion for agriculture and tree plantations, as well as to forest encroachment. To illustrate the causes and consequences of these misperceptions, we show that the World Resources Institute and the International Union for Conservation of Nature misidentified 9 million square kilometers of ancient grassy biomes as providing “opportunities” for forest restoration. Establishment of forests in these grasslands, savannas, and open-canopy woodlands would devastate biodiversity and ecosystem services. Such undesired outcomes are avoidable if the distinct ecologies and conservation needs of forest and grassy biomes become better integrated into science and policy. To start with, scientists should create maps that accurately depict grassy biomes at global and landscape scales. It is also crucial that international environmental agreements (e.g., the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) formally recognize grassy biomes and their environmental values.



