来源:《自然—生物技术》 时间:2015/09/16






夏季高温导致水稻结实率下降、番茄枯死。该研究团队发现该基因无论是在水稻还是番茄中都具有相同的抗高温功能。研究人员发现缺失同源基因OsER1的水稻在高温下结实率降低,而不同番茄品种的同源基因SlER表达水平存在明显差异,表达水平高的品种抗高温能力较强,这说明ER基因在植物进化上具有功能保守性。田间试验表明转基因水稻和番茄也可以显著提高在高温下的结实率和成活率。(来源:中国科学报 黄辛)


Overexpression of receptor-like kinase ERECTA improves thermotolerance in rice and tomato


Abstract  The detrimental effects of global warming on crop productivity threaten to reduce the world's food supply. Although plant responses to changes in temperature have been studied, genetic modification of crops to improve thermotolerance has had little success to date. Here we demonstrate that overexpression of the Arabidopsis thaliana receptor-like kinase ERECTA (ER) in Arabidopsis, rice and tomato confers thermotolerance independent of water loss and that Arabidopsis er mutants are hypersensitive to heat. A loss-of-function mutation of a rice ER homolog and reduced expression of a tomato ER allele decreased thermotolerance of both species. Transgenic tomato and rice lines overexpressing Arabidopsis ER showed improved heat tolerance in the greenhouse and in field tests at multiple locations in China during several seasons. Moreover, ER-overexpressing transgenic Arabidopsis, tomato and rice plants had increased biomass. Our findings could contribute to engineering or breeding thermotolerant crops with no growth penalty.



