来源:《自然通讯》 时间:2015/09/01



来自中国农业科学院的研究人员发现,SnRK2-APC/CTE调控模块介导了赤霉素和脱落酸信号通路的对抗作用。这一重要的研究发现发布在814日的《自然通讯》(Nature Communications)杂志上。

领导这一研究的是中国农业科学院的水稻分子遗传与育种专家万建民(Jianmin Wan)教授。其长期从事水稻优异基因挖掘和分子育种研究,在国内较早提出和初步实践了作物分子设计育种。在水稻光钝感及广亲和基因挖掘和籼粳杂交品种培育、品质优异基因挖掘和稻米品质改良、抗条纹叶枯病基因挖掘和抗病高产优质粳稻品种选育等方面取得重要成果,曾获国家科技进步一等奖、省部级一等奖、何梁何利科技进步奖等奖项。

脱落酸(ABA)是一种应激反应植物激素,它可以抑制种子萌芽及幼苗生长来适应不利的环境条件(延伸阅读:谢旗研究组Plant Cell发现脱落酸信号通路新机制 )。近年来的一些研究揭示出在ABA信号通路中,ABA结合它的受体PYL/PYR/RCARs,随后这一PYL/PYR/RCAR-ABA复合物与抑制SnRK2sPP2C磷酸酶结合,释放激活的SnRK2s使得下游靶蛋白磷酸化,激活了ABA反应。


在以往的一项研究中,万建民教授发现rice Tiller Enhancer (TE)编码了APC/CTE E3泛素连接酶复合体的激活子,TE通过促进水稻株型和分蘖数的主要调控因子MOC1降解,发挥作用抑制了水稻分蘖。


由此,研究人员提出SnRK2-APC/CTE调控模块是植物中GAABA拮抗作用的一个潜在调控中枢。(来源:生物通  何嫱)


The SnRK2-APC/CTE regulatory module mediates the antagonistic action of gibberellic acid and abscisic acid pathways


Abstract  Abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellic acid (GA) antagonistically regulate many developmental processes and responses to biotic or abiotic stresses in higher plants. However, the molecular mechanism underlying this antagonism is still poorly understood. Here, we show that loss-of-function mutation in rice Tiller Enhancer (TE), an activator of the APC/CTE complex, causes hypersensitivity and hyposensitivity to ABA and GA, respectively. We find that TE physically interacts with ABA receptor OsPYL/RCARs and promotes their degradation by the proteasome. Genetic analysis also shows OsPYL/RCARs act downstream of TE in mediating ABA responses. Conversely, ABA inhibits APC/CTE activity by phosphorylating TE through activating the SNF1-related protein kinases (SnRK2s), which may interrupt the interaction between TE and OsPYL/RCARs and subsequently stabilize OsPYL/RCARs. In contrast, GA can reduce the level of SnRK2s and may promote APC/CTE-mediated degradation of OsPYL/RCARs. Thus, we propose that the SnRK2-APC/CTE regulatory module represents a regulatory hub underlying the antagonistic action of GA and ABA in plants.



