来源:《科学报道》 时间:2015/08/17






据悉,该研究团队曾率先完成染色体水平的赤芝基因组精细图解析并提出灵芝为药用模式物种,文章发表在《自然通讯》上,并被自然网站选为中国最佳研究。灵芝基因组图谱的公布为开展灵芝三萜等有效成分的合成研究提供了便利,随着这些合成途径的逐步解析,使得通过合成生物学合成灵芝有效成分成为可能。同时,对灵芝生长发育和抗病抗逆关键基因的发掘和认知,将推动灵芝的基因组辅助育种研究,加速灵芝新品种的培育,并为灵芝的科学栽培和采收提供理论指导。(来源:科技日报 杨朝晖)


Genome-wide characterisation and analysis of bHLH transcription factors related to tanshinone biosynthesis in Salvia miltiorrhiza


Abstract  Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge (Labiatae) is an emerging model plant for traditional medicine, and tanshinones are among the pharmacologically active constituents of this plant. Although extensive chemical and pharmaceutical studies of these compounds have been performed, studies on the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors that regulate tanshinone biosynthesis are limited. In our study, 127 bHLH transcription factor genes were identified in the genome of S. miltiorrhiza, and phylogenetic analysis indicated that these SmbHLHs could be classified into 25 subfamilies. A total of 19 sequencing libraries were constructed for expression pattern analyses using RNA-Seq. Based on gene-specific expression patterns and up-regulated expression patterns in response to MeJA treatment, 7 bHLH genes were revealed as potentially involved in the regulation of tanshinone biosynthesis. Among them, the gene expression of SmbHLH37, SmbHLH74 and SmbHLH92 perfectly matches the accumulation pattern of tanshinone biosynthesis in S. miltiorrhiza. Our results provide a foundation for understanding the molecular basis and regulatory mechanisms of bHLH transcription factors in S. miltiorrhiza.



