来源:《国际土壤科学杂志》 时间:2019/01/07





该项研究近期以Initial utilization of rhizodeposits with rice growth in paddy soils Rhizosphere and N fertilization effects 为题发表在Geoderma上。该研究得到国家重点研发项目、国家自然科学基金、亚热带生态所青年创新团队项目以及博士后国际交流计划项目的资助。(来源:中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所)


Initial utilization of rhizodeposits with rice growth in paddy soils Rhizosphere and N fertilization effects


Abstract  Rhizodeposition represents a readily available C and energy source for soil microorganisms, that plays an important role in the regulation of C and nutrient cycling in ecosystems and exerts a strong influence on C sequestration. The dynamics of rice rhizo-C in soils and its allocation to microorganisms during rice growth, as well as the effects of nitrogen (N-NH4+) fertilization are poorly understood, particularly with respect to the initial uptake of rhizo-C by microorganisms and its utilization during the entire growth period. To assess these two processes, rice plants were grown in pots with or without N fertilization (0 and 225?kg?N-NH4+?ha?1), and 13C incorporation into microbial groups was traced by phospholipid fatty acids(PLFAs) analysis within 6?h after 13CO2 pulse labeling. Labeling was performed at five growth stages: tillering, elongation, heading, filling, and maturation. 13C incorporated into soil microbial biomass C changed rapidly at the beginning of the study period, before elongation, but remained stable thereafter. 13C incorporation into rhizosphere and bulk soil microbial biomasswas higher with than without N addition. This stimulation was likely due to the excessive increase in phytomass formation and root exudates after N fertilization and the increased assimilate C input into the soil. Structural equation modelling suggested that N fertilization strongly affected carbon transfer between rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere. Hence, N-NH4+application may not only increase rhizo-C flow into microorganisms but it may also increase the effect of rhizosphere on bulk-soil microorganisms and subsequent processes related to soil C-cycling.



