来源:《自然》 作者:Hong-Qing Ling等 时间:2018-06-07







小麦A基因组测序和精细图谱绘制的完成,为国内外科研工作者解析小麦基因组进化和驯化提供了高质量的基因组信息和全新视角。注释出的基因信息将助力小麦重要农艺性状基因的精细定位、克隆和功能解析,加速栽培小麦的遗传改良和分子设计育种,将对提升小麦产业竞争力、保障粮食安全和农业提质增效与可持续发展产生重要作用。(来源:科学网 丁佳)


Genome sequence of the progenitor of wheat A subgenome Triticum urartu


Abstract  Triticum urartu (diploid, AA) is the progenitor of the A subgenome of tetraploid (Triticum turgidum, AABB) and hexaploid (Triticum aestivum, AABBDD) wheat1,2. Genomic studies of T. urartu have been useful for investigating the structure, function and evolution of polyploid wheat genomes. Here we report the generation of a high-quality genome sequence of T. urartu by combining bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-by-BAC sequencing, single molecule real-time whole-genome shotgun sequencing3, linked reads and optical mapping4,5. We assembled seven chromosome-scale pseudomolecules and identified protein-coding genes, and we suggest a model for the evolution of T. urartu chromosomes. Comparative analyses with genomes of other grasses showed gene loss and amplification in the numbers of transposable elements in the T. urartu genome. Population genomics analysis of 147 T. urartu accessions from across the Fertile Crescent showed clustering of three groups, with differences in altitude and biostress, such as powdery mildew disease. The T. urartu genome assembly provides a valuable resource for studying genetic variation in wheat and related grasses, and promises to facilitate the discovery of genes that could be useful for wheat improvement.




