来源:《植物细胞》 作者:葛晓春等 时间:2018-05-31



复旦大学生命科学学院葛晓春教授课题组在水稻中发现了一种新的ABA转运蛋白,并揭示了该转运蛋白的转录调控机制,为了解水稻应对干旱胁迫的机制提供了新的线索。430日,研究成果以“The AWPM-19 Family Protein OsPM1 Mediates Abscisic Acid Influx and Drought Response in Rice”为题在线发表于《植物细胞》(Plant Cell)。


葛晓春教授课题组首次在水稻中发现了一个不同以往报道的ABA转运蛋白OsPM1, 它属于AWPM-19家族成员,在膜上能以多聚体的形式存在。研究人员发现,OsPM1对干旱和ABA处理响应非常迅速,通过表达可以增强植物的抗旱性及种子萌发对ABA的敏感性,而RNAiKO株系则表现相反。OsPM1影响了水稻在干旱胁迫下气孔的响应性以及ABA信号传递过程。体外及体内实验均表明OsPM1可以向细胞内转运ABA,且ABA的生理活性形式(+ABA是其底物。




The AWPM-19 Family Protein OsPM1 Mediates Abscisic Acid Influx and Drought Response in Rice


Abstract  Abscisic acid (ABA) regulates plant stress responses and development. However, how the ABA signal is transmitted in response to stresses remains largely unclear, especially in monocots. In this study, we found that rice (Oryza sativa) OsPM1 (PLASMA MEMBRANE PROTEIN 1), encoded by a gene of AWPM-19 like family, mediates ABA influx through the plasma membrane. OsPM1 is predominantly expressed in vascular tissues, guard cells and mature embryos. Phenotypic analysis of overexpression, RNA interference (RNAi), and knock out (KO) lines showed that OsPM1 is involved in drought responses and seed germination regulation. 3H-(±)ABA transport activity and FRET (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer) assays both demonstrated that OsPM1 facilitates ABA uptake into cells. The physiological isomer of ABA, (+)-ABA, is the preferred substrate of OsPM1. Higher ABA accumulation and faster stomatal closure in response to ABA treatment were observed in the overexpression lines compared to the wild-type control. Many ABA-responsive genes were up-regulated more in the OsPM1-overexpression lines but less in the RNAi lines compared to wild-type plants. Further investigation revealed that OsPM1 expression is regulated by the AREB/ABF family transcription factor OsbZIP46. Our results thus revealed that OsPM1 is an ABA influx carrier that plays an important role in drought responses.




