研究论文已发表在新一期美国《植物细胞》网络版上。(来源:新华网 杨超伦)
An SPX-RLI1 module regulates leaf inclination in response to phosphate availability in rice
Abstract Leaf erectness is one of the key traits of plant architecture; in grains, plants with upright leaves can be planted close together, thus benefiting yield/unit area. Many factors, such as hormones, affect leaf inclination; however, how nutrition status, in particular phosphate (Pi) availability, affects leaf inclination remains largely unexplained. Here, we show that in rice (Oryza sativa), Pi-deficiency stress inhibits lamina joint cell elongation, thus restricting lamina joint size and inducing leaf erectness in rice. The Pi-starvation induced proteins SPX1 (named after Syg1/Pho81/XPR1) and SPX2 play a negative role in the regulation of leaf inclination. We further identified an SPX1-interacting protein, Regulator of Leaf Inclination 1 (RLI1), which positively regulates leaf inclination by affecting lamina joint cell elongation in rice. The rli1 mutants showed reduced leaf inclination and the RLI1 over-expressors showed increased leaf inclination. RLI1 directly activates the downstream genes BRASSINOSTEROID UPREGULATED1 (BU1) and BU1-LIKE 1 COMPLEX1 (BC1) to control elongation of the lamina joint cells, therefore enhancing leaf inclination. We also found that Pi-deficiency repressed the expression of RLI1. SPX1 protein interacts directly with RLI1, which could prevent RLI1 binding to the promoters of downstream genes. Therefore, SPX and RLI1 form a module to regulate leaf inclination in response to external Pi availability in rice.