来源:Environmental Microbiology 作者:邱东茹等 时间:2018-04-17






中国科学院水生生物研究所邱东茹学科组通过深入研究揭示了活性污泥菌胶团形成的分子作用机制。该课题组发现,动胶菌等活性污泥菌细胞质膜上的PrsK感受器激酶接收未知信号后发生自磷酸化并将磷酸基团传递给响应调节蛋白PrsR,活化后的PrsR结合到PEP-CTERM基因启动子上游的增强子上并与结合在启动子上的RpoN sigma因子互作,启动PEP-CTERM基因的转录,PEP-CTERM得以大量表达。而活性污泥菌正是利用自身合成的胞外多糖和PEP-CTERM蛋白质形成网状胞外多聚物,包裹大量细胞形成菌胶团。


相关研究成果在线发表在国际期刊《环境微生物学》上。(来源:新华社 谭元斌)


Both widespread PEP‐CTERM proteins and exopolysaccharides are required for floc formation of Zoogloea resiniphila and other activated sludge bacteria


Abstract  Bacterial floc formation plays a central role in the activated sludge (AS) process, which has been widely utilized for sewage and wastewater treatment. The formation of AS flocs has long been known to require exopolysaccharide biosynthesis. This study demonstrates an additional requirement for a PEPCTERM protein in Zoogloea resiniphila, a dominant AS bacterium harboring a large exopolysaccharide biosynthesis gene cluster. Two members of a widespread family of high copy numberpergenome PEPCTERM genes, transcriptionally regulated by the RpoN sigma factor and accessory PrsKPrsR twocomponent system and at least one of these, pepA, must be expressed for Zoogloea to build the floc structures that allow gravitational sludge settling and recycling. Without PrsK or PrsR, Zoogloea cells were planktonic rather than flocculated and secreted exopolysaccharides were released into the growth broth in soluble form. Overexpression of PepA could circumvent the requirement of rpoN, prsK and prsR for the flocforming phenotype by fixing the exopolysaccharides to bacterial cells. However, overexpression of PepA, which underwent posttranslational modifications, could not rescue the longrod morphology of the rpoN mutant. Consistently, PEPCTERM genes and exopolysaccharide biosynthesis gene cluster are present in the genome of the flocforming Nitrospiracomammox and Mitsuaria strain as well as many other AS bacteria.




