来源:Plant Cell
北京、长沙及海南等多年多点的田间试验表明,这种基因的过表达植株在高氮和低氮条件下均表现出显著的增产效果。尤其在低氮条件下,该基因过表达株系小区产量以及氮利用效率最高可提高至60%, 且在高氮条件下可提早开花2周以上,从而有效缩短了水稻成熟时间。该研究成果为培育兼具高产与早熟品种,克服农业生产中高肥导致的“贪青晚熟”问题提供了解决方案,具有巨大的应用潜力。
据了解,氮元素是所有有机体的必需营养成分,氮肥的使用为作物增产起到了巨大的推动作用。但过度施用氮肥还会导致作物“贪青晚熟”,导致作物产量大幅降低。因此,提高作物氮肥利用效率同时避免“贪青晚熟”是作物氮利用改良研究中的重大科学问题。科学家过去几十年的研究对上述过程有了基本认识,但对调控氮代谢和氮利用的分子机理仍了解很少。(来源:科学网 丁佳)
Expression of the Nitrate Transporter Gene OsNRT1.1A/OsNPF6.3 Confers High Yield and Early Maturation in Rice
Abstract Nitrogen (N) is a major driving force for crop yield improvement, but application of high levels of N delays flowering, prolonging maturation and thus increasing the risk of yield losses. Therefore, traits that enable utilization of high levels of N without delaying maturation will be highly desirable for crop breeding. Here we show that OsNRT1.1A (OsNPF6.3), a member of the rice (Oryza sativa L.) nitrate transporter 1/peptide transporter family, is involved in regulating N utilization and flowering, providing a target to produce high yield and early maturation simultaneously. OsNRT.1A has functionally diverged from previously reported NRT1.1 genes in plants, and functions in up-regulating the expression of N utilization-related genes not only for nitrate but also for ammonium, as well as flowering-related genes. Relative to wild type, osnrt1.1a mutants exhibited reduced N utilization and late flowering. By contrast, overexpression of OsNRT1.1A in rice greatly improved N utilization and grain yield, and maturation time was also significantly shortened. These effects were further confirmed in different rice backgrounds and also in Arabidopsis thaliana. Our study paves a path for the use of a single gene to dramatically increase yield and shorten maturation time for crops, outcomes that promise to substantially increase world food security.