来源:《自然》 作者:David M. Hyman等 时间:2018-03-26



英国《自然》杂志近日在线发表的一项临床试验显示,靶向某类特定变异的抗癌药物的疗效,取决于肿瘤组织的类型和变异的确切性质。这一新发现为目前困难重重的个性化癌症治疗方案研发带来新的曙光,同时,也强调了篮子试验Basket trials)这一具有划时代意义的肿瘤治疗方法的价值。

在诸多癌症中,科研人员观察到 HER2HER3基因的不同变异,其中一些变异导致 HER2 蛋白的过度表达,从而引发癌症,但是大部分变异并未被表征。

美国纪念斯隆凯特琳癌症中心研究团队,此次测试了药物来那替尼在141 名患不同癌症(乳腺癌、肺癌、膀胱癌和结直肠癌)患者中,以及在HER2HER3 基因的一系列不同变异中的疗效。来那替尼是美国生物技术公司旗下新药,用于早期HER2阳性乳腺癌成年患者的治疗,20177月,它成为首个经美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准的强化辅助治疗用药。



这一测试还强调了篮子试验的价值,该试验更为关注变异类型而非发生癌变的组织,可使得带有相同靶点的不同瘤种患者都能用同一种靶向药物治疗,实现肿瘤异病同治,其被认为对肿瘤治疗有着划时代意义。(来源:科技日报  张梦然)


HER kinase inhibition in patients with HER2- and HER3-mutant cancers


Abstract  Somatic mutations of ERBB2 and ERBB3 (which encode HER2 and HER3, respectively) are found in a wide range of cancers. Preclinical modelling suggests that a subset of these mutations lead to constitutive HER2 activation, but most remain biologically uncharacterized. Here we define the biological and therapeutic importance of known oncogenic HER2 and HER3 mutations and variants of unknown biological importance by conducting a multi-histology, genomically selected, ‘basket’ trial using the pan-HER kinase inhibitor neratinib (SUMMIT; clinicaltrials.gov identifier NCT01953926). Efficacy in HER2-mutant cancers varied as a function of both tumour type and mutant allele to a degree not predicted by preclinical models, with the greatest activity seen in breast, cervical and biliary cancers and with tumours that contain kinase domain missense mutations. This study demonstrates how a molecularly driven clinical trial can be used to refine our biological understanding of both characterized and new genomic alterations with potential broad applicability for advancing the paradigm of genome-driven oncology.




