来源:《分子植物》 作者:Yuanyuan Zhang等 时间:2018-01-24




中国科学院植物研究所王雷研究组发现,当拟南芥生物钟核心组分Evening Complex中任何组分发生突变,叶片衰老均会提前。转录组分析及茉莉酸诱导叶片衰老的生理实验表明,Evening Complex直接参与调控茉莉酸信号,而茉莉酸信号是调节植物叶片衰老的重要因子之一,其中MYC2是茉莉酸信号促进叶片衰老的关键转录因子。进一步研究发现,Evening Complex直接结合该基因启动子并抑制其表达,从而在时间维度精细调控茉莉酸诱导植物叶片衰老的进程。

12日,相关研究成果在线发表在Molecular Plant上。研究工作得到了国家自然科学基金面上项目、中科院青促会、中科院前沿科学重点研究项目的资助。(来源:生物通)


Circadian Evening Complex represses Jasmonate-induced leaf senescence in Arabidopsis


Abstract   Plants initiate leaf senescence to reallocate energy and nutrients from the aging to developing tissues for optimizing growth fitness and reproduction at the end of growing season or under stress. Jasmonate (JA), a lipid-derived phytohormone, is known as an important endogenous singal in inducing leaf senescence. However, whether and how circadian clock gates JA signaling to induce leaf senescence in plants remains elusive. In this study, we show that the Evening Complex (EC), a core component of circadian oscillator, negatively regulates leaf senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana. Transcriptomic profiling analysis reveals that EC is closely involved in JA signaling and response, consistent with accelerated leaf senescence unanimously displayed by EC mutants upon JA induction. We found that EC directly binds the promoter of MYC2, which encodes a key activator of JA-induced leaf senescence, and represses its expression. Genetic analysis further demonstrated that the accelerated JA-induced leaf senescence in EC mutants is abrogated by myc2 myc3 myc4 triple mutation. Collectively, these results reveal a critical molecular mechanism illustrating how the core component of circadian clock gates JA signaling to regulate leaf senescence.




