来源:《Cancer Research》
抗癌化疗药物毒副作用太大,病人不堪重负,是否有新的技术和方法减轻药物副作用?今日来自来自浙江大学医学院附属第一医院郑树森院士王杭祥课题组的研究人员发表了题为“New Generation Nanomedicines Constructed from Self-Assembling Small-Molecule Prodrugs Alleviate Cancer Drug Toxicity”的论文,阐述了运用小分子前药技术结合纳米自组装构建的超分子纳米药物,极大地降低化疗小分子药物的毒副作用,为药物的临床转化提供了新的思路。
这一研究成果公布在Cancer Research杂志,郑树森院士为论文的通讯作者,第一作者兼并列通讯作者为王杭祥副研究员。
紫杉烷类药物是临床广泛使用的一类化疗药物,其中卡巴他赛更是因其能够克服紫杉醇及多西紫杉醇的耐药性以及高效杀伤肿瘤细胞的能力,在2010年被美国FDA批准用于临床。然而其在临床上表现出较大毒性,临床I期研究表明该药物的最大耐受剂量(MTD)仅为25 mg/m2,远低于其同族药物紫杉醇(175 mg/m2)及多西紫杉醇(60-100 mg/m2)的最大耐受剂量。此外,卡巴他塞水溶性差,临床处方中含有的增溶剂吐温-80具有溶血性和其他副作用。
New Generation Nanomedicines Constructed from Self-Assembling Small-Molecule Prodrugs Alleviate Cancer Drug Toxicity
Abstract The therapeutic index for chemotherapeutic drugs is determined in part by systemic toxicity, so strategies for dose intensification to improve efficacy must also address tolerability. In addressing this issue, we have investigated a novel combinatorial strategy of reconstructing a drug molecule and using sequential drug-induced nanoassembly to fabricate supramolecular nanomedicines (SNM). Using cabazitaxel (CTX) as a target agent, we established that individual synthetic prodrugs tethered with polyunsaturated fatty acids were capable of recapitulating self-assembly behavior independent of exogenous excipients. The resulting SNM could be further refined by PEGylation with amphiphilic copolymers suitable for preclinical studies. Among these CTX derivatives, docosahexaenoic acid-derived compound 1 retained high anti-proliferative activity. SNM assembled with compound 1 displayed an unexpected enhancement of tolerability in animals along with effective therapeutic efficacy in a mouse xenograft model of human cancer, compared to free drug administered in its clinical formulation. Overall, our studies showed how attaching flexible lipid chains to a hydrophobic and highly toxic anticancer drug can convert it to a systemic self-deliverable nanotherapy, preserving its pharmacological efficacy while improving its safety profile.