来源:《自然》 作者:Jan Dvorak等 时间:2017-11-29



1115日出版的《自然》杂志刊登了一篇研究论文称,美国加州大学戴维斯分校科学家领导的国际团队,成功为小麦的一种野生远祖——节节麦(Aegilops tauschii)进行了基因组测序,向破解小麦基因组难题迈进了一步。



德沃夏克表示,他们的新成果已经收获实效——利用节节麦中发现的两种抗小麦秆锈病基因,培育出了全新的小麦品种。未来,研究人员可以根据节节麦的基因组序列,找到改善小麦烘焙质量、抗病性以及对寒冷、干旱、高盐等极端环境条件忍耐力的新基因。(来源:科技日报 聂翠蓉)


Genome sequence of the progenitor of the wheat D genome Aegilops tauschii


Abstract   Aegilops tauschii is the diploid progenitor of the D genome of hexaploid wheat1 (Triticum aestivum, genomes AABBDD) and an important genetic resource for wheat2–4. The large size and highly repetitive nature of the Ae. tauschii genome has until now precluded the development of a reference-quality genome sequence5. Here we use an array of advanced technologies, including orderedclone genome sequencing, whole-genome shotgun sequencing, and BioNano optical genome mapping, to generate a referencequality genome sequence for Ae. tauschii ssp. strangulata accession AL8/78, which is closely related to the wheat D genome. We show that compared to other sequenced plant genomes, including a much larger conifer genome, the Ae. tauschii genome contains unprecedented amounts of very similar repeated sequences. Our genome comparisons reveal that the Ae. tauschii genome has a greater number of dispersed duplicated genes than other sequenced genomes and its chromosomes have been structurally evolving an order of magnitude faster than those of other grass genomes. The decay of colinearity with other grass genomes correlates with recombination rates along chromosomes. We propose that the vast amounts of very similar repeated sequences cause frequent errors in recombination and lead to gene duplications and structural chromosome changes that drive fast genome evolution.




