来源:Current Biology 作者:关春梅等 时间:2017-11-01




  中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所焦雨铃研究组的最新研究发现,植物激素生长素对于叶片原基的展开至关重要。在前期的研究中,焦雨铃研究组发现叶片原基中存在生长素浓度差异,近轴面(叶片靠近茎尖一侧,即背面)生长素浓度低,远轴面(腹面)生长素浓度高(2014, PNAS 111:18769-18774)。通过对生长素、生长素信号转导通路下游的响应因子进行精细成像,该研究组进一步发现生长素与下游响应因子MP仅存在部分重叠,从而在近-远轴面之间的中间区界定了高生长素信号。进而,MP可以直接激活WOX1PRS在中间区特异的表达。WOX1PRS是中间区形成的决定因子,是叶片向两侧展开的关键。


上述结果阐述了叶片形成过程中,近-远轴极性通过生长素信号通路介导转换为中-边轴极性,从而使叶片展开的分子机制。该课题组最近的另一项研究从生物力学的角度解释了中间区的重要性和生长素对叶片发育的调控(2017, Nature Plants 3:724-733)。

该研究成果于922日在线发表在Current Biology杂志上(DOI10.1016/j.cub.2017.08.042)。焦雨铃研究组助理研究员关春梅为论文第一作者。该研究得到了科技部973项目、国家自然科学基金和植物基因组学国家重点实验室的资助。(来源:生物通)


Spatial Auxin Signaling Controls Leaf Flattening in Arabidopsis


Abstract  The flattening of leaves to form broad blades is an important adaptation that maximizes photosynthesis. However, the molecular mechanism underlying this process remains unclear. The WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX (WOX) genes WOX1 and PRS are expressed in the leaf marginal domain to enable leaf flattening, but the nature of WOX expression establishment remains elusive. Here, we report that adaxial-expressed MONOPTEROS (MP) and abaxial-enriched auxin together act as positional cues for patterning the WOX domain. MP directly binds to the WOX1 and PRS promoters and activates their expression. Furthermore, redundant abaxial-enriched ARF repressors suppress WOX1 and PRSexpression, also through direct binding. In particular, we show that ARF2 is redundantly required with ARF3 and ARF4 to maintain the abaxial identity. Taken together, these findings explain how adaxial-abaxial polarity patterns the mediolateral axis and subsequent lateral expansion of leaves.




