来源:PNAS 作者:Sho-Ya Wang等 时间:2017-09-14











研究员 Sho-Ya Wang Ging Kuo Wang 留意到了氨基酸对箭毒蛙的保护。

他们利用老鼠肌肉,测试了 P. terribilis 肌肉中的五种自然氨基酸替代品。当这五种氨基酸被箭毒蛙突变体代替后,老鼠的肌肉能够完全抵抗生物碱。

下一步就是逐一测试这些代替品。这其中只有一种对生物碱高度敏感,有抵抗力的代替品名为 N1584T。对于这种突变体而言,氨基酸天门冬酰胺被氨基酸苏氨酸取代。



该研究总结道:“我们的研究表明 P. terribilis 肌肉钠通道对生物碱毒性的抵抗,主要源自等量 rNav1.4- N1584T 突变。相反的突变是否保留部分抗生物碱特性,仍有待进一步研究。”



Single rat muscle Na+ channel mutation confers batrachotoxin autoresistance found in poison-dart frog Phyllobates terribilis


Abstract  Poison-dart Phyllobates terribilis frogs sequester lethal amounts of steroidal alkaloid batrachotoxin (BTX) in their skin as a defense mechanism against predators. BTX targets voltage-gated Na+ channels and enables them to open persistently. How BTX autoresistance arises in such frogs remains a mystery. The BTX receptor has been delineated along the Na+ channel inner cavity, which is formed jointly by four S6 transmembrane segments from domains D1 to D4. Within the P. terribilis muscle Na+ channel, five amino acid (AA) substitutions have been identified at D1/S6 and D4/S6. We therefore investigated the role of these naturally occurring substitutions in BTX autoresistance by introducing them into rat Nav1.4 muscle Na+ channel, both individually and in combination. Our results showed that combination mutants containing an N1584T substitution all conferred a complete BTX-resistant phenotype when expressed in mammalian HEK293t cells. The single N1584T mutant also retained its functional integrity and became exceptionally resistant to 5 µM BTX, aside from a small residual BTX effect. Single and combination mutants with the other four S6 residues (S429A, I433V, A445D, and V1583I) all remained highly BTX sensitive. These findings, along with diverse BTX phenotypes of N1584K/A/D/T mutant channels, led us to conclude that the conserved N1584 residue is indispensable for BTX actions, probably functioning as an integral part of the BTX receptor. Thus, complete BTX autoresistance found in P. terribilis muscle Na+ channels could emerge primarily from a single AA substitution (asparagine→threonine) via a single nucleotide mutation (AAC→ACC).




