种子植物的根系由主根、侧根和不定根共同组成。主根起始于胚胎发育时期,侧根和不定根则不断补充胚后发育的根系系统。传统教科书中对侧根的描述为“根上发生的根”,而不定根是“非根器官上发生的根”。8月29日,中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所徐麟研究组题为Non-canonical WOX11-mediated root branching contributes to plasticity in Arabidopsis root system architecture的研究论文发表在Development杂志上,报道了模式植物拟南芥主根上的很多“侧根”是由不定根发生通路产生的。
拟南芥离体叶片再生不定根的过程中,WOX11转录因子基因介导了不定根发生。WOX11由生长素信号通路激活后表达在不定根创始细胞(founder cell)中,引导不定根发生。当拟南芥竖直生长在培养基上时,主根上发生侧根的过程不表达WOX11,而是依赖于Non-WOX11通路中的
该研究与B. Scheres实验室合作,由徐麟研究组博士生盛李宏和胡小梅等完成实验。研究得到了国家自然科学基金委、科技部和中科院项目的资助。(来源:中国科学院上海生命科学研究院)
Abstract Lateral roots (LRs), which originate from the growing root, and adventitious roots (ARs), which are formed from non-root organs, are the main contributors to the post-embryonic root system in Arabidopsis However, our knowledge of how formation of the root system is altered in response to diverse inductive cues is limited. Here, we show that WOX11 contributes to root system plasticity. When seedlings are grown vertically on medium, WOX11 is not expressed in LR founder cells. During AR initiation, WOX11 is expressed in AR founder cells and activates LBD16LBD16 also functions in LR formation and is activated in that context by ARF7/19 and not by WOX11 This indicates that divergent initial processes that lead to ARs and LRs may converge on a similar mechanism for primordium development. Furthermore, we demonstrated that when plants are grown in soil or upon wounding on medium, the primary root is able to produce both WOX11-mediated and non-WOX11-mediated roots. The discovery of WOX11-mediated root-derived roots reveals a previously uncharacterized pathway that confers plasticity during the generation of root system architecture in response to different inductive cues.