来源:《The Plant Cell》 作者:Liyuan Zhang等 时间:2017-08-28



文章通讯作者麻省大学分子生物学家Elizabeth Vierling指出,随着全球气候变暖,高温对植物的破坏显著增加,耐热性机制的揭示不仅是一项基础研究,而且可能是未来人们用来提高植物在高温下生存能力的重要手段。





这篇文章发现了eIF5B的一个新角色。正如他们在文中写道:“通过比对拟南芥的温度敏感等位基因eIF5Bhot3-1),我们发现在热应激条件下,及时恢复翻译是植物从应激中恢复的关键。此外,在最适生长温度下一个更严重的等位基因(hot3-2)的翻译图谱(translational profiling)显示eIF5B1是植物正常生长发育的必须基因,进一步表明eIF5B1可差异化地影响特定mRNAs。”(来源:生物通)


Mutations in eIF5B confer thermosensitive and pleiotropic phenotypes via translation defects in Arabidopsis thaliana


Abstract  The conserved eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5B, eIF5B, is a GTPase that acts late in translation initiation. We found that an Arabidopsis thaliana mutant sensitive to hot temperatures 3 (hot3-1), which behaves as wild type in the absence of stress but is unable to acclimate to high temperature, carries a missense mutation in eIF5B1 gene (At1g76810),, producing a temperature sensitive protein. A more severe, T-DNA insertion allele (hot3-2) causes pleiotropic developmental phenotypes. Surprisingly, Arabidopsis has three other eIF5B genes that do not substitute for eIF5B1; two of these appear to be in the process of pseudogenization. Polysome profiling and RNA-seq analysis of hot3-1 plants show delayed recovery of polysomes after heat stress and reduced translational efficiency (TE) of a subset of stress protective proteins, demonstrating the critical role of translational control early in heat acclimation. Plants carrying the severe hot3-2 allele show decreased TE of auxin-regulated, ribosome-related and electron transport genes, even under optimal growth conditions. The hot3-2 data suggest that disrupting specific eIF5B interactions on the ribosome can, directly or indirectly, differentially affect translation. Thus, modulating eIF5B interactions could be another mechanism of gene-specific translational control.




